Can we skip to the part where he shoots someone in the middle of 5th Ave and nobody cares?
Political Weirdos
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Plot twist- its Vance, and nobody cares
Is it really a twist when it's a part of the script?
Believe it or no, plot twists are scripted 65%.
This is totally true. I read it on snoops
I think Trump would be too scared to actually fire a gun.
To be fair, if you do go over to Snoop's he WILL set you straight.
My great aunt also called it Snoops, and it irked me that she saw the logo a million times and never once questioned her pronunciation.
But he's not even calling Snopes that name. He's saying it's a completely different website!
Oh, somehow I glazed over that part.
That's what elevates this from stupid mistake to weird.
Think he means this?
That is definitely what he means and they got a ton of shit for that article because it's a bunch of "well this didn't literally happen this specific way so it isn't true." That's why they had to put that note at the beginning.
Yeah it’s bullshit. One side was entirely white supremacists because that’s what the Unite the Right rally was
Oh, good, all the reddit-brained morons I used to argue with on /r/politics will finally accept that DJT thinks people who say is a liberal website are wrong. For once, we agree.
Reading that quote just gave me an aneurysm.
Why are "make housing affordable again" and "no tax on tips" the only two policies important enough to print on the background behind him? Is AZ overly concerned with the pay structure of restaurant employees?
I don't understand the "no tax on tips" angle, like everyone on yhe US is tired of being asked for tips everywhere, how many people they think are going to be engaged by that?
It's a tax loophole for the rich to use tbh.
I could see how consulting firms and lawyers become tipping professions eventually, where every job is below minimum wage while getting the rest on untaxed tips.
It's also a loophole for people like Trump to take advantage of because a tip isn't owed, it's voluntary. So he'll be able to get away with not paying his bills by promising some tip and then reneging on that promise for whatever reason and then only take the reputation hit rather than that plus maybe a lawsuit if they pursue it.
There's a lot of Americans who work at restaurants and don't understand a single bit of economics, and they think they're getting a good deal because they game the system to make more money. Maybe half of them are right. But the thing is, the other half, the ones who aren't working fridays, they're losing. And the bosses have successfully convinced those two sides to fight against each other instead of against Capital.
“And don’t listen to that koomaloo woman!”
We all listened to the press conference, it can't be debunked when everyone witnessed it
Inb4 "She wouldn't debate me a second time. Cowardly kamala"