James Hoffmann recently did a series on decaf coffee which culminated in a massive live tasting. I imagine all of the kits are sold out now, but the list of participating roasters should give you a good starting place to find roasters in Europe who are interested in quality decaf
I'm not sure I fully understand.
This generates garbage if it thinks the client making the request is an ai crawler. That much I get.
What I don't understand is when it talks about trapping the crawler. What does that mean?
Some great observations there. I hadn't really thought about the power switch, but that does look completely out of place and modern for this machine.
I know... Even with this information, I can confirm that my friend and I are both in the EU
I'm afraid I and my friend are both in the EU. Chinese companies will and do find ways...
I think this is pretty standard for Chinese companies. My friend works for one, and she doesn't get sick days. They must come out of her holiday allowance.
She gets treated better than her Chinese counterparts, though. For Chinese public holidays, they get the day off, but are then expected to give it back to the company at the weekend
Not sure if this could work, but did you try using a VPN to log in from an EU country?
Honestly don't know how the GDPR might affect this, but might be worth a try
Can you share where to find the android app? I can't see it in the play store or fdroid
Off topic, but what is the original source of the meme?
I just watched this movie based only on this still. No regrets
I don't know where to look. How can I find out?
How do you get around the requirement to run the official app somewhere?
I run a WhatsApp and signal bridge, but not recommend running the official app on a phone