Sepheroth kingdom hearts 1 and 2 good memories!
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
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Sir Alonne from Dark Soul 2.
Honourable mention to the leader of the trolls in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
Run back to that boss is awful. Worst in the series
It's like they took the complaints about iron keep NPC placement as a challenge.
Darks Souls 2 DLC bosses - Fume Knight and Ivory King took quite a lot of attempts
Dark Souls 3 - I died an embarrassing amount of times to the Twin Princes. Even Slave Knight Gael didn't take as many attempts. I even killed Nameless King in two or three attempts.
DS2 DLC bosses aren't fucking around lol. Fume Knight is an amazing fight. Maybe the hardest, but its a really satisfying boss fight. I hated the the Queen in the Sunken Crown. Way more annoying fight for me personally, and not even satisfying to win, just glad its over. The Dragon fight after that is rad, him and the Fume knight are my favorite
Margit and godrick were my first two souls bosses. I was super under-leveled when I tried them. It took probably 30 tries for each? It was terrible.
Really though though the worst one was a boss from archvale. I played the game on "hard" without realizing that it was actually supposed to say "hardcore." I've never played a game that I couldn't beat "hard" in so I tried it. I couldn't understand why I couldn't beat the boss. I just fucking couldn't beat it. I got mad and slapped myself in the face. It gave me a concussion that has kept me out of work for 6 months now. I just tell everyone that I bumped my head on a cabinet. Turns out that hard mode is something that people with thousands of hours in bullet hell games struggle with. That was one of my first bullet hell games, I had like maybe 40 hours total in those kinds of games.
Anyway I don't self harm anymore because holy shit the consequences of my actions. Well I do very rarely but I hit my thigh instead which is a lot safer. lmao this happened like 2 months after breaking off the inside door handle of my car on accident. I was just trying to open it but it was locked. It just kinda came off. :(
Through the Fire and Flames in GH3. Took literally months of semi-consistent practice.
this guy from donkey kong 64
Wiegraf in Final Fantasy Tactics, favorite game of all time then it throws this wall at you mid game you're most likely not prepared or leveled for, solo.
God I remember this fight softlocking me the first time I got there. This fight singlehandedly traumatized me into keeping at least three files of every game I play
I gave up on my first play through back on release. It wasn't until like 5 or 6 years later I came back to the game lol
I ended up selling my copy to a friend because of this fight.
Damn Square for making this fight so hard, truly a masterpiece of a game otherwise.
Any that took me more than 5 hours to defeat
Bellower from Banner Saga. Couldn't do it.
Ruby Weapon from ff7
Also that first boss of the 2004 Ninja Gaiden that's supposed to be a tutorial boss lol. My god that was a game you die in A LOT. Souls before the souls games. It really forced you to learn the game properly, learn your moveset and to play properly.
Burt the Bashful from Yoshi's Island. Not because he was particularly difficult but because he is such a ridiculously silly boss in a game full of them and I still sometimes think about Burt and chuckle out loud in front of people.
Misago, the level 4 boss in ikaruga
god damn that thing ate so many attempts lmao
Calo Nord from kotor. I got the game after a friend showed it to me so I knew I could get his pistol somehow and spent hours trying to kill him in the cantina. The joys of video games before everything was on a wiki the day after release.
Tekken 5 Jinpachi. Game over to this broken grandpa more times than I could count
I didn't die like a thousand times to Margief or anything. nope, couldn't be me.
the water wraith (pikmin)
so many little dudes perished
it's the man at legs for me
Mithrix still frequently kicks my ass in RoR2 on Monsoon difficulty. There's just so many one shot mechanics flying around.
I don't know what the hell the deal is but Ceaseless Discharge from DS1 fucks with me endlessly. I can never get the kite strategy to work and end up just having to chug through the damage. I've played dark souls like a million times too and have no idea what the deal is. I love Bed of Chaos compared to Ceaseless.
Did you loot the corpse by his spawn? I think he only chases you to the ledge if you steal his dead sister's clothes.
That is probably it actually. I bet that explains some of it anyway.
There's people who fight Ceaseless Discharge?
Do you also fight Yhorm without the Storm Ruler?
Lately it's been lithophage corrupters from deep rock galactic. Their aoes are huge and you have to go inside their range to break the armor. I'd rather fight 2 dreadnoughts at once than a corrupter
This fucking stage from need for speed hot pursuit (2010)
It literally took me about a hundred tries to achieve the gold timing for this stage
This one and the Mclaren F1 Time Trial. Madonn'
Some of the endgame interceptor/gauntlet/hot pursuit ones were no joke too
But nothing comes close to the endgame time trial stuff
"Contact sport" is another difficult one
I haven't played hot pursuit in ages but I can still remember those stages
project zomboid ui
fighting off a small horde with fireaxe, no biggie -> get em all lined up, start mowing em down -> wasd move a bit to cover a potential blindspot, forget to move mouse because hit indicator makes me think i have targets locked or something -> swing and miss because mouse is off by like 20 degrees, panic push and also miss -> ded
Level 6 of Contra Shattered Soldier is basically one long boss fight and it's pretty brutal, but the really killer thing is that every time you want to play it (before I could emulate a PS2 anyway) you have to play through the entire rest of the game and maintain an A rank (so you can't even just use the 30 lives cheat like in the video).
Fume Knight and Darkeater Midir, nothing comes close
Midir is the 1 boss in all of SoulsborneRingDieTwice I have never beaten solo
I've only ever soloed Midir using the pestilent mist strategy.
Basically, cast mist and then stay right under him but out of the mist so he stays inside the AOE. If he flies off, chase after him before he does the laser breath thing.
Since mist takes a fixed percentage of health from its target each tick they stay in the cloud you can just cast and focus on dodging the attacks as Midir's health chips away.
Recent: The Labyrinth Sentry from Remnant 2, entire game is basically Dark Souls with guns, then you get a boss that's not really a puzzle and more like an exercise in getting OHKs until you get the pattern down rote
All time: Riven of a Thousand Voices, nobody does that fight legit, everyone does the cheese. No humans alive can coordinate that well to do it as intended
Alot of the bosses in Remnant 2 are busted
Radahn from Elden Ring somehow affected real world weather and made lightning strike my building and trip the breaker right as i was about to beat him
Sirus from Path of Exile. What an awfully designed boss, 90% of the time you can't see shit because of the fart clouds he spawns on the ground. I barely killed him this league after what, TWO YEARS of trying him on and off. Doubt I will even go for him in the next league or any other in the future.
Most recently? Theseus from Hades. He always manages to take away one death defiance, and is usually my first one each run.
Raven Beak, final boss of Metroid Dread. I absolutely binged Dread after a sleepless night or two from work deadlines and started that boss battle at 5 in the morning, exhausted and delirious and just could not.
John fucking Madden
Nightmare Reaper plasma robot guys and Kenshi's holy nation