Huh, that explains the 4B movement in S. Korea.
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Why does everything appear to appear at +15 across the board just before 1990?
Is anyone brave enough to ask why?
The answer is simple the media is radicalizing people and gender is one of their primary motivations it is hand tailored to divide and conquer minds.
Interestingly it looks like in 3 of 4 charts men have, at worst, returned to mean. It's the women getting more leftist. And I don't blame them.
Sauce, for those interested -
In the US, Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up.
So it might be worth taking it with a pinch of salt because I'm betting it's using the very dumbed down "liberal vs conservative" 'murican political view. Maybe skew all results down 3-6 points.
Here, have some unsourced data on subjective tendencies.
Nah, that doesn't count as data just yet then.
Especially not at a point in time where someone like Trump is said to represent "Conservatism".
That's why there are so many incels conservatives and more lesbians, the numbers talks from themselves.
Sounds like the women did better advance planning if they're still getting laid.
The good news is that almost universally, women vote in greater numbers than me. So on average its still breaking to the left.
I believe that a significant factor for this can be attributed to mental development and maturity of boys lagging behind that of girls of the same age, during formative years. And, please read on, if you assume my argument is "boys dumb, conservatives dumb. Q.E.D."
The second factor is an education system where this offset in mental development/maturity is further confounded. Boys don't typically do as well, because sitting idle and being a "good boy", is more challenging. This leads to a path for boys to start working earlier, while girls get higher degrees. (I assume the trends for higher education by gender, to be similar, if not, then that can falsify this hypothesis).
What a person then observes they get from society, vs what you pay in terms of taxes, is skewed between these two groups, and highly correlated with gender.
If this hypothesis has any validity to to it, then one could argue that a way to mitigate this is by correcting the negative causes. Where the fundamental root cause might be improved by revisiting how education is failing boys in particular.
The challenge with this is that if the conservative parties' policies are driven by what can make more people vote conservative, then this will be a negative feedback loop. The worse you make it for a certain group of people that vote for you, the more that group is willing to vote for you.
How does it start with women being more conservative than men in Germany and the US?
Being less educated and living the traditional life of sitting at home and doing house work.