"What is my purpose?" - "You remove crumbs." - "Oh, my god!"
Shitty Million Dollar Ideas
This is a place to pitch goofy million dollar ideas that you had in the shower, as you were falling asleep, or during a fever dream. Think of it is as shitty Shark Tank.
The usual rules apply:
No bigotry
Be nice to each other
Crumba wumba
The crumbs fall down, I pick them up again!
Need to make it sound more modern and sleek, like when the first iPod and iPhones came out. You could name it the iCrumba.
I just put the dog on the table.
How big are people's counters and this is a thing?
Would be great if it worked in toaster ovens.
It's integrated into the base of the toaster.
The toaster has a motion sensor. When there's been a toasting, it waits for a set amount of time of motionlessness before Crumba gets going.
Also schedulable through the app, of course.
Like robotic vacuums / mops should be integrated into bottom of dishwashers. Drives me nuts this isn't a thing.
Does it rhyme with Roomba or is it crumb-ba?
It's gotta be "Crümba".
Ooohhh... I am a sucker for umlauts...
You should see me write in my home-town dialect, its Umlaute all the way down:
natürläch, mä muess ds End UND der Nether 2x besiegä, um netheride z machä...
naturally, one has to defeat the end AND the nether 2x to make Netherite...
The discussion being between me and a friend, who misunderstood how one of the new minecraft things worked
wait ill search for a more umlaut-one
wöu i wirdä wouh uf ändi Jahr mi gross PC oh uf Linux änderä, u frage mi öbi immerno Ubuntu, odr vilech doch öbbis wi Mint odr soo sötti bruuchä. [...]
Because I will probably, towards end of the year, change my big PC too to Linux. I'm just questioning wether I should still use Ubuntu, or maybe change to using Mint or such. [...]
There are some horrible words with like two ä's behind one-another and another just yonder of the consonant
Notable Mentions: är hüület ; he's crying (bawling his eyes out).
Schlööf ; ice-skates.
aaöödä ; to bore someone
and the necessery: Chuchichästli, which I will let you decipher on your own.
anyways much fun, good luck trying to pronounce any of it.
I read it as "A counter to your roomba called the crumba". Because of course I want a robot that lays down crumbs for my roomba.