
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Please calm down, I wasn't telling you to do anything... I even said that it's not a pleasant thing to do

I think you read swearing as yelling when it's a different register as often as it is a different tone.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Best thing to do is not comment on a thread about how that thread is still on active or has a lot of comments, because that'll keep it on active

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

No worries! I'd really like to see it, so feel free to tag me in a post or send a DM whenever it is that you come across it again. I'm sure others here would be interested as well!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

Absolutely right, not worth getting defederated over

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Honestly still more than my city has on some streets

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

AfD holds multiple municipal seats and Hitler never won an election (he got about 36.7% in 1932). The Nazis took over because liberals (specifically Hindenburg and co) appointed Hitler and then Hitler was able to take over when Hindenburg died in part thanks to paramilitary support. Just worth noting for gauging AfD's distance from potential takeover.

I highly doubt that the PRC wants them in charge or wants to help them get there, though.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You mean bouncing?

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago

Ah yes, the classic wealthy journalist.

Do the journalists you read personally hand their writings to you? Or is there some intermediary that gets them to you, some wealthy entity that handles the publishing of those writings?

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago

Do you think people don't have VPNs?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

Notably also to make room in the domestic market for the domestic bourgeoisie to fill the roles Facebook, YT, etc. fill elsewhere, since those companies collaborate with the US.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 year ago

If we used non-western (or even independent western) outlets to talk about something that major western outlets don't, you'd dismiss it as propaganda and conspiracy theory


No matter the account, it keeps popping up. It is very annoying because one time it was on autoplay and I had the misfortune of hearing some of it and you won't be surprised to find out that it has very little to do with real politics and more to do with simplistic courtly dramas that liberals love projecting into their enemies.

I hate liberals. On top of everything else, they are just so fucking intellectually bankrupt that they don't even conceive of doing actual research before making totalling claims about countries they will never even visit or speak to an (even former) resident of.


If you participate, remember to be nice to the people who demonstrate good faith.


It's in several spots, people basically saying "I've had a solid time except for all these nasty russian bots that we will soon outnumber!"

No way an American disagrees with you, or anyone else of an Approved Nationality! No, it must be a pesky ruskie who managed to reach a computer despite not having any paved roads!


If you go to it's just a bunch of fucking redditors with their dogshit memes and like three lemme users. It's sad. I strongly encourage users of this site who are so inclined to take a break from infighting to bully neoliberals over there.


It's not even a bad game as such, but fuck Nintendo and fuck whoever produced and directed it. It's not just lazy, it literally pushes back games as an art form.

Yeah, some parts of it are cool and/or innovative (the dungeons are great), but the main questline overall and especially at the end is pathetic in the way that it leans on set pieces and cinematography as a crutch in a game that is supposedly centered on freedom.

Remember like a decade ago when every single fucking game that was "good" was one that just pretended to be a movie that you push buttons to advance, and that produced a swamp of QTE bullshit and games that only exist for the cutscenes? That trend had clearly been receding in recent years even though Last of Us (the main example of that trend) is still quite popular.

But Nintendo found just the way to revive it! "Hmm, games that pretend to be kino are old-hat, so what do we do to market to masses that we treat like slack-jawed yokels to impress as many of them as possible? I know! Instead of pretending to be kino, let's pretend to be Infinity War!"

It's the same shit! It's just a fucking Marvel formula transplanted to Breath of the Wild's setting, with vapid not-even-scavenger-hunts to watch cutscene after cutscene where cool things happen that are completely disconnected from player input.

Everyone knows that the beast ganon fight in BotW was dogshit. You know the dragon fight at the end of TotK? Literally the same thing! You get on a fucking mount and zoom around the big scary monster that doesn't actually do anything, strike the big glowing weak points along its body, and then stab it in the fucking forehead and it's done. But now, because it has some Avengers-ass "Oh, I recognize the thing!" direction with Dragon Zelda suddenly becoming [almost] an actual participant in the plot and Dragon Ganon shooting a billion fireballs that aren't even fucking aimed at you while you fly circles around him, now it's cool? Or because the fucking Force Ghosts pop in and contradict the rules about the dragon transformation being permanent so that Link can get his waifu as a prize for fighting the monster, but she has some voice lines so it's egalitarian!

And don't get me started on having the bosses come back along with the Sages ("It's just like Infinity War!") to just fucking negate each other offscreen. Absolute horseshit that makes the Divine Beast business at the end of BotW look elegant by comparison.

Fuck these fucking hack writers and their pandering bullshit that we will now get a thousand other games imitating. We're just going to get compounding dark ages of writing as paradigm after paradigm is added to make it worse and worse as these shitheads optimize the formula for selling both to credulous 13-year-olds and otaku 35-year-olds. I hate it.


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