Woah that looks cool!
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Nice! The world needs more rust apps and definitely more TUI apps, thank you 🙂👍
I was aware of the existence of TUI apps, but not really interested. I was surprised to see that you are supporting graphics inline in the TUI. Is that a normal thing in modern TUI apps?
Is that a normal thing in modern TUI apps?
Yeah, it's been becoming the new normal recently. There's this TUI file manager called Yazi that came out not so long ago and has an excellent support for graphics and manga-tui that released this year which is a terminal manga reader (and without images it would be useless). Theoretically you could even play videos in the terminal at least 10 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqMh47lYHlc
Lemmy get that
Where is it? I write great bug reports.
Thanks, but it's written in Rust so it's perfect and 100% bug free :) Kidding of course, I just would rather release this client after I'm done with super boring things like caching the JWT, polishing up the config file and readme. But thanks for the enthusiasm :D. I hope to be done with the first release by the end of the year
Sarcasm noted!
Don't you want some free QA? I don't program in Rust, so pas de jugement on code quality!
That's the Big Lie of Rust: the implication that memory safety prevents core dumps. I've had plenty of Rust apps hard crash on me; maybe they weren't memory-access related, but they were crashes nonetheless.
In any case, my offer stands; I've been desperate for a TUI Lemmy client, and I really will submit decent tickets once you ask for them... or just quietly sit on them until you're ready.
Well, if you're so desperate... :D The code is located at github.com/intuis/lemmynator, but I didn't commit the changes that I did today yet so it may look a little bit different and I think the default config is a little bit off. With that said, have fun!
Thanks! Let us know when you're ready for issues; until then I'll assume you're just plugging away.
Yooo I can't wait for this!
Looks good.
Implement a keyword filter and I'm in.
Added to my TODO list!
I'd use it.