Establishment Democrats continue to not learn any lessons.
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They are Establishment first, Democrat is a sidegig.
The former speaker of the House of Representatives is instead pushing Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) to win the high-ranking role, and is “actively working to tank” AOC’s bid while “making calls” on behalf of Connolly, Punchbowl News reported Thursday.
The report adds that Pelosi’s behind-the-scenes maneuvering displays the sheer “amount of political capital” she’s willing to put into Connolly’s campaign—the verdict of which will be decided next week.
Classes DNC pulling strings to get the results they want.
lol get wrecked, wrecker
All your backstabbing got you nothing!
That's the funniest part of this. Aoc gone out of her way to appeal and appease Nancy only to still get screwed by Nancy
Pelosi is a grade A cunt.
Pelosi isn't a cunt. Something something depth and warmth. She's below a cunt; she's a cankle.
Why did AOC vote to tank the rail union strike?
I try not to let perfect be the enemy of good. She might not always be right. She might have done some political background dealing that we aren't privy to. People will always compromise a little in politics. Try to understand that when you are looking for teammates.
You’re implying she’s at least been “good.” She has not.
Don’t ever compromise with “not nearly good enough.”
She has not been good, shes a sheepdog keeping disenfranchised voters rounded up in the party with the illusion that the have an advocate in government and will soon have a seat at the table.
i was going to say something like this but w bernie; aoc and bernie serve the democrats goals just as well as sinema and manchin do.
AOC will be Bernie's replacement as DNC sheepdog. The DNC has always had a party sheepdog going back to 1984 with Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson
omg i COMPLETELY forgot that guy existed!
bc they're all vipers. some are just more useful than others.
Because the government continued to work to get the rail workers what they wanted, but shitting down the economy would have hurt everyone, at a time when everyone was already hurting financially.
Context matters, try to pay attention to all of it.
Rail workers did not get what they wanted, you are parroting shitlib lies. Anyone advocating to save capitalism at the expanse of the working class is a class traitor
No one is advocating "saving capitalism" stop being so overly dramatic. You realize that after several years of already being tapped out financially, causing more financial hardship for most of the rest of the working class doesn't help anyone, right?
No, you clearly can't grasp that simple concept. Fucking the entire working class to help get a few extra sick days for a few dozen working class - when you can continue negotiating that without the economic cataclysm - is idiotic.
Biden is a strike busting scab
Biden went back to get the rail workers sick days like he said he would. Why lie?
- and almost none of the other things that they needed; table scraps.
You're repeating the same lie that the entire strike was about sick days. It's not his or the governments job to force a union contract on labor.
Putting millions of working class Americans in financial peril is also bad. Can we agree on that? Or do you think people can eat their principles?
Every single right won in this country has been to the detriment of some people, and people have suffered in the short term, but in the end, things come out better for everyone. With this type of mentality we would still have 7 day work weeks, no overtime, no paid vacation, all the benefits that were won by labor in the early 1900s wouldn't exist
Sure, but it's mostly been the rich who was at a detriment, not the entire working class...right after suffering another financial hardship. You keep ignoring my entire point, because you think people can eat their principles.
Short-term suffering has a lot less impact on the well being of people than long term suffering to protect the status quo.
Geriatric asshole.
Dragonlady needs to leave our future queen tf alone
Right wing democrats are the worst.
Truly the Mitch McConnell of the DNC.
Looks like her slip and broken hip will damage this effort.