Somebody needs to port this to mobile or something playable. Every year I remember this and want to play.
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It's on Game Boy Advance 😎
It's probably available on Flashpoint (pc-only, though)
I remember when this went around, and everyone i knew was absolutely sure it contained a virus
The end of the simpler era when exe's as email attachments were sometimes ok
I remember one that offered a free cupholder, by opening the CD drive
Fuck. Why is the memory of playing this so vivid?
amazing, I can still hear "gutter ball" all these years later! Also... what a great in-depth article about it! :)
Elfs, Elfs baby. Higher wages, lower urinals!
I played this game on PC it was amazing
The random elf head getting pulled off was always such a trip. Anyone remember Elf Bowling 3 where you launched elves in the air using a bra tied to two trees as a slingshot?
Hey Santa, whose your daddy?
I cherish the memory of clocking the deer on the head with a bowling ball
i remember a game where you had to shoot the little baby jesus' as they fell like snow before they hit the ground
This was the only thing the computers in the high school library were good for.