Ratgdo for my garage door (https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/). So simple but it works so well. Blows MyQ and OpenGarage out of the water
Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at home-assistant.io
I have installed 3 of these now. A little expensive for an outright cost, but well worth it when you see how easily it integrates with the garage door openers. You can a ton of information out of it and some other goodies like parking sensors. They did a great job of making it really easy to install and straight forward to add to Home Assistant. You save a ton of money in the long run over a MyQ subscription.
Those seems nice products, but wow, they cost quite a lot!
Most of these products are made by individual entrepreneurs or small businesses. They don’t have economies of scale, so each product is hand made, which makes things more expensive.
Oh, I didn't know, thanks for the information.
If you're more into making your own circuit boards, there's a project that provides open schematics for RatGDO that uses the same ESPhome firmware.
JLCPCB had a sale on PCB assembly and I was able to order 5 boards assembled and ready to go for about $25. I already had the ESP microcontrollers, just had to add three wires, flash the controller, and solder it to the board.
It unlocked so much more control over the MyQ integration. It actually showed me how much of a joke the MyQ app is considering how much more can be done with $10 worth of parts and code that random people on the internet made.
I have one of these but haven’t set it up yet. MyQ is so annoying.
@tj @homeassistant Athom energy monitoring wifi smart plugs for triggering other actions based on energy usage.
m5stack Atom Echo for a voice assistant.
I'm not buying athom now. Out of the 8 plugs I bought from them 5 are bricked. Looking at Shelly now.
@canatella wow. Any idea how they bricked? I'm still new to ESPhome and learning the ropes but I didn't see any complaints about Athom before I purchased them.
No idea how, they just stopped working one after the other after some time. Maybe they fixed it in newer version, but I had tue problem with V1 and v2. If you look at the forums you'll see I'm not alone.
That bed sensor is looking awfully tasty, thanks sharing!
An Everything Presence One & a Lite from Everything Smart Home, a MSR-1 and a H-1 from Apollo Automation and a Ratgdo for my garage door, all working great. Plus a few home made bits here and there, love this platform.
Well, I'm not a company, but I use my own creation: https://nowsci.com/only-sensor/
The post about it was here if you're interested: https://lemmy.world/post/23499799
Have a bunch of KAUF Smart Bulbs that come pre-flashed with ESPHome
Also have a bunch of SonOff S31's and a bunch of Treatlife 3-way in-wall switches running ESPHome, but those both all required opening them up and making jigs to reflash them over to ESPHome from the stock firmwares.
(Edit: Plus a ton of custom ESPHome boards and piles-o-wires running ESPHome)
Came just to talk up KAUF. As an avid home-assistant user it was the easiest smart bulb I've ever set up and not only do the bulbs not need an app but the home-assistant esphome integration detected them as soon as i had configured Wi-Fi in their webui.
Found them totally by chance looking for smart bulbs for desk lamps that are E26 socket but A15 bulb size and found very few choices at the time. What a happy accident!
I have 4 plugs from athom.tech . I'm in the US and they work great with HA.
Air Gradient One for monitoring my home’s air quality in home assistant.
I use the M5Stack C124 AtomS3 Lite with the RS485 Base for direct local control of my Rheem water heater. (I have the heat pump version, but it works with other versions also)
Way better than using the econet integration in home assistant. It eliminates the need for the Econet account and cloud. Now it is all local and provides way more information and options than the built in integration.
I know it isn't technically a stand alone project made by a specific company, but it was so easy to install and setup and really pretty cheap. No soldering and just some very minor modifications to an existing phone cable that I sacrificed to the cause.