Yeah, anything but foss apparently.
Sorry for off topic.
A place for for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited.
A zero-tolerance policy for bigotry of any kind. Failure to respect this will result in a ban.
1 Understand the left starts at anti-capitalism.
2 No Trolling
3 No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism, liberalism is in direct conflict with the left. Support for capitalism or for the parties or ideologies that uphold it are not welcome or tolerated.
4 No imperialism, conservatism, reactionism or Zionism, lessor evil rhetoric. Dismissing 3rd party votes or 'wasted votes on 3rd party' is lessor evil rhetoric.
5 No bigotry, no racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any type of prejudice.
6 Be civil in comments and no accusations of being a bot, 'paid by Putin,' Tankie, etc.
Yeah, anything but foss apparently.
Sorry for off topic.
If the US government wanted to actually take the high road on this instead of hoping to be able to keep public discourse under the thumb of their own oligarchs, they would push in this direction instead imo
Any government actually.
By funding foss projects and living the example.
It's not like it's not happening, but it's alloys at such a smol scale.
And not really on social media part (a few govs use Mastodon iirc, but that is about it that I can think of).
Is there a f/loss alternative to tiktok?
Loops appears to be the one for that space but from what I understand they still have a lot of development to do before it's ready for general users.
shoots self in foot, again
That'll show em!
Honestly, The government isn't protecting our data anyways so it really doesn't matter. Amazon has had yet another massive breach but no worries the government is sitting idly by. Not a single action will be taken even though this happens all the time. No penalty means no reason to change.
Yeah, if the government really cared, they would be pushing privacy laws instead of trying to ban a platform.
Yeah...but it's much easier to get elected with "ChInA bAd!”
Then "We need a nuanced approach to privacy and social media."
American gov worried about Americans going to Chinese social media to share even more personal information
Chinese gov worried about the influx of Americans inside their Great Firewall
What a clusterfuck. I love it.
Just like the "men would do anything but go to therapy" meme, Americans would rather install malware on their phones than get out to vote.
Except this was never about "malware" or anything else.
Republicans first wanted to ban it because younger people were getting politically organized on it, and they weren't voting republican.
Then it was the main platform where news of Gaza was getting out, because American owned media, social media included, have always towed the line with Israel and anything that shows them in a negative light is just automatically considered "antisemitic".
Because of Gaza, Democrats jumped on trying to ban it with Republicans because neither side liked that information was being spread and they had no power to suppress.
If they actually cared about security or the privacy of citizens they would make regulation that applied to all social media, US included. There is nothing Ticktok does that Facebook, Twitter, and all the rest don't have a long history of doing. And there was the whole Cambridge Analytica thing where it was found Facebook sold user data and gave access to a foreign group that actively was using Facebook to influence the 2016 election. If China wanted data on US citizens there is nothing stopping them from just buying it from American companies like they already do.
Also, Twitter was specifically doing things to help prop up Trump this last time at the behest of Musk who was not born in the US and pretty much fits the bill of "foreign agent trying to undermine American values", except that he's trying to undermine the people and the push for equality and human rights, which most politicians don't care about.
I think a handful of influencers found it and just started promoting it. It's a bandwagon thing, I'm not expecting 95% of the TikTok base to be going to another Chinese app just to stick it to the man. They are going their because the people they follow are going there.
A few days ago, this app had a few dedicated shitposters who really felt like they had a community, then a tidalfuck of Americans came and ruined everything.
A Dennis rage tantrum really sums up their user reaction perfectly.
And it's understandable. 170 million US citizens are on TikTok. More than 1% has a significant business enterprise that has flourished in that app (not so on the other apps).
The US government, beyond just violating* the free speech of half the population, would be shooting itself in the face by banning the app, considering how much lost tax revenue is likely to occur.
They don't care about that. Controlling the narrative > tax revenue to them by far.
"Why are all these women so angry about not being able to vote?"
I'm not convinced people are actually moving to Red Note. I think this is another Threads situation.
My gf is Chinese and her feed is littered with Americans trying to look cool, and speaking zero Mandarin. The other one constantly occurring are Americans saying "so what Chinese are getting my data? You know what's called sharing? It's called Kindness❤️🙏" i almost spit my coffee, but I was in bed and I had dry mouth
It's so wierd to see those people to go out of their way, to another soulless corporation, for no benefit.
The government says it’s for our own good and we should trust them.
Except we don’t trust them and don’t care about our own good.
To be fair they also don't are about our own good, they just want us to install some good ol home grown American spyware.
I wasn't going to before, but now that you've told me not to I'm definitely going to do a bunch of opiates.
You can't stop teens, they determine what is cool and will try everything to be cool. Ask the Soviet Union how trying to keep teens from buying Levi's Jeans worked out for them.
I'm too old to be up to date with American internet culture. What app are the cool kids using now?
A bunch of people moved over to 小红书 (xiaohongshu) lit. "little red book" aka RedNote. It's basically chinese instagram.
What’s the obsession with Chinese social media anyway
You see, as long as it's China radicalizing people through social media delivered propaganda, it's totally cool and edgy.
Plus, many people have let themselves become so addicted to short form content that they are willing to slob-gobble down all of that propaganda and ~~sell~~ beg these companies to take their information without question as long as they get their Mr. Beast fix.
Maybe it'll circle back around again like fashion, irc, phpbb, and xmpp messengers becoming the new hip retro protocols.
This would be on-brand for the Year of the Linux Desktop and De-Googling
FOSS, self-hosting, and peer-to-peer baby, let's do it
This rivalry with China is so dumb.
The question might as well be "Why did you vote republican?" and nothing else would change. Not even the people responding.
They really have cut off their nose to spite their face imo. Only way this makes sense to me is that the users want a noble justification for their ignoble habit.
“The data would’ve ended up in China anyway since American apps would’ve sold it.” -Rationalizations of a feed addict fiending
Explain exactly how using a Chinese app will negatively impact the average American. Don't use vague threats, use evidence based examples. I'll wait.