It really bothers me that there is an unnecessary dash between HAVE and DRANK... its okay...
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Yeah that really messed me up I had to read it a few times
Blaming the jews or leeches... hmm mm
As a random aside, Know 2 jewish women in their 70s who say they had people look for their horns.
That shit goes deep.
As a random aside, Know 2 jewish women in their 70s who say they had people look for their horns.
that was in borat 2
It was from back in their day when they were in med school. Maybe 50s or 60s
My grandpappy looked for the horns ima look for the horns.
My guy is horny, that’s for sure
That's because Sacha Baron Cohen is Jewish and he knows all the slurs and stereotypes very well.
I had someone ask me that when she found out I was Jewish in 2000~
Now we were both freshman in high school and the rest of the lunch table fucking immediately got on her ass for saying it, but I was just sitting there thinking like, wow! I thought only people in the books mom made me read thought like that!
She also thought the whole Christian baby blood in matza cracker thing was real, but she came to the conclusion that must also be a lie because I clearly had no horns.
There was a kid I knew in high school, really nice guy but super evangelical. And even though he was nice (he legitimately was a nice guy, it wasn't "Christian" nice), he would regularly try to save my soul because Jews were going to hell according to his pastor and he was legitimately worried about it. And then one day he said to me, "we got a new pastor at our church and he says Jews are the chosen people, so you're not going to hell anymore." I was amazed that all it took was a new guy telling him stuff from the front of a church to change his mind.
A couple of years later, he came out of the closet and did some activism about gay marriage before Obergefell vs. Hodges was decided. Sadly, a couple of years later, he died of Leukemia.
I miss you, David. You were weird as fuck, but in a fun way. And you really were a nice guy... just also super ignorant.
My grade school librarian was asked where her tail was, back when she was a kid.
That was the other one!
Was it an elders of zion thing? Gee thanks Henry Ford
As a random aside, Know 2 jewish women in their 70s who say they had people look for their horns.
Amazingly, that's one bit of antisemitism I've never had thrown at me personally, and I've had a lot thrown at me. Maybe it's my high forehead.
My favorite thing someone who was not bigoted, just kind of dumb, said to me when he found out I was a Jew was, "talk Jewish to me." And from his tone, he clearly expected to hear Jewish as if it were a language.
Explanation: In medieval Europe, Jews were an unprotected minority, and thus an easy scapegoat for everything - from food shortages to diseases. Somehow, everything that happened was very conveniently the fault of the local Jews - from the poor harvest to the Mongol Invasion. An easy diagnosis!
The Black Death and the Crusades were some of the worst instances. The former was, "the Jews caused this, if we kill them, it will stop." The latter was, "fuck it, as long as we're going this way, let's kill all the Jews between here and Jerusalem."
And I won't even get into the multiple expulsions.
Meanwhile Poland.
Yea sure history... we are so fare away from this...
All of history is just one dick head saying "MY SHIT DONT STANK, NOT LIKE THE LAST GUY'S" as they build monuments to themselves.
But lean a little closer and see, that roses really smell like poo-poo-pooh.
"Let's see... it's either Jews or an unmarried older woman who owns her own home, and I see here that your village already burned the local witch fortnight last, so there's really only one diagnosis to make..."
The old woman is a Jew. It all makes sense now!
I think this guy is from Commedia Del Arte or possibly SCP
I present to you : US healthcare in 2026