Why does Ross, who is the largest friend, simply not eat the other friends?
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I love the reference to Futurama.
Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?
However, yes. Capitalism is fucked up that rewards those with the most resources.
That bottom left dialogue sounds too close to Lrrr - ruler of omicron persei 8!
It's far worse than this:
See how these supply and demand lines intersect over here? Well we get to shift the supply a little lower, sell for higher price, and get to extort workers harder, so that they feel lucky to have a job at all.
The reason that the large class doesn't eat us, is that we have enough profits to control media and politicians to brainwash and force them not to eat us, and so when we say "free market", we're just lying to create a corrupt market and a corrupt society which we get to control absolutely.
--Ahhh says the alien.
Do you have any intrinsic concerns about being evil? Or does the only thing that matters is that the slaves accept your evil and their oppression?
please put a link to the source in your post description!
(in this case, it's https://existentialcomics.com/comic/418 )
I may be misremembering Posadas but he had a bit where he imagined that any alien society that managed to make it to space travel would have necessarily developed to Communism as they would have to go through the different Modes of Production on their own alongside the necessary development of tech. If Posadas' theory is correct, the Aliens would indeed be familiar with some form of Capitalism.
Not a Posadist nor a Trotskyist though.
when i'm angry and pessimistic, i'm posadist concerning the nukes' part. when i'm happy and optimistic, i'm posadist concerning the aliens' part.
Something tells me the aliens would be smart enough to ask questions like, "How do the factories get here to begin with?"
Even though I lean heavily toward socialism and believe an open source society is our future, we've got to move beyond memes and kindergarten oversimplifications of capitalism. Every industry and business empire ultimately starts with clever individuals working very hard on ideas that turn out to be better in some way than what's already around, so they can grow and grow to become giant corporations. Over the course of time a lot of people get involved who don't work any harder than a normal person but are just paid a lot more, and others simply inherit the money. Those are really ones everybody gets upset at,. The innovators and entrepreneurs deserve recognition and reward, we just have to find a way to do that without creating oligarchs and vast blocks of wealth.
Every industry and business empire ultimately starts with clever individuals working very hard on ideas
That is the flowery idealist narrative that the capitalist class relentlessly promotes, to the point that youβre now promoting it for them, but in fact each one starts with capital.
Capitalism didn't emerge from the primordial ooze where everyone was equal and no one owned anything. This is silly.