The "gift" of life is sort of like if someone decided to give you a "gift" of bedbugs.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
*nearly a century of life
[holy fine print: "nearly century of life" is defined as a length of time anywhere between 1 second to 100 years. Every life is randomly determined to sit between these parameters.]
Some cases go out of bounds though, this is just asking for the universe to segfault...
Life is the biggest white elephant gift ever.
You chose wisely mortal.
"Thanks for the self-awareness, asshole!"
Consciousness is infinite. The meatbag is temporary.
if I had the time, money, energy, health and wouldn't be living in a shithole surrounded by people I have nothing in common with, I would do literally anthing else other than spending time online.
but that's life, I guess