The phrase is now in Guillaume Cabanac’s Problematic Paper Screener — along with “bosom peril,” “kidney disappointment,” “fake neural organizations,” and “lactose bigotry.”
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Lactose bigotry is amazing. I want to add Gluten Fascist to the list
I'm something of a lactose bigot myself. *sips oat milk latte*
I was once a lactose entrapped individual. But when I switched over to oat fluid, my lactose beegot tree was incredibly large. My wife complained about how big it was and told me to stop doing the salt trick.
I've learned I should be more tolerant of lactose.
The others seem to be synonym mistakes, so gluten fascist doesn't really work. A quick peek at synonyms for 'sensetivity' makes me like 'gluten diplomacy'
Some of these would make great band names.
Ladies and gentlemen, up next, give a big hand for Bosom Peril with their new multi platinum single "Lactose Bigotry"!
Okay, as a nonnative speaker I get "kidney failure" and "lactose intolerance".
What are "bosom peril", "fake neural organizations" and the titular "vegetative electron microscopy"?
Today’s tell is the phrase “vegetative electron microscopy” — an OCR artifact from scanning a paper with “vegetative” in the first column and “electron microscopy” next to it in the second column and reading it as a single phrase. ... But it keeps showing up. “Vegetative electron microscopy” is present in about 20 papers on Google Scholar, including one in an Elsevier journal.
Sounds like the LLMs are already eating themselves.
I am so tired of people judging lactose by the color of its spectrogram and not the content of its carbohydrate chain.
Solution: don't become an academic if you can't be bothered to actually do academia stuff.