LoK fans who actually participate in any of the modern fandom are so jaded. It's like Star Wars, where the original gets put on a higher and higher pedestal (by the fandom) as the years drag by, and every tiny thing about the sequels fry under microscopes and nostalgia.
And /r/thelastairbender is so... I dunno the word, but I haven't checked it in months. It's like everyone has a short attention span and keeps asking the same things without a single search. No interest in deep lore or speculation, lots of misinformation parroted, and repetitive, almost reverent fawning over ATLA. It wasn't like this during the LoK premiere.
Tumblr and other art feeds are still nice though. Meanwhile, I'm over here shamelessly writing out a Seven Havens fic on Ao3. At peace.