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Buy Canadian
A community dedicated to buying Canadian. Inspired by the subreddit of the same name.
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What counts as buying Canadian? Basically, it’s the idea of buying from Canadian companies, with a preference towards buying made in Canada products. However, products made ethically outside of Canada are also allowed here, as long as the company is Canadian.
Wow, OP left out the most relevant part.
I love how they try to look fancy by putting a footnote where none is needed:
Finish® Quantum UltraMAX™ with CYCLESYNC™ technology releases the right ingredient‡ at the right time. ‡Enzyme
The footnote is just to substitute one word for another? Why not just write “enzyme” and have a rhyming sentence?
Canadian alternative:
Yea just picked up a bunch of this. Canadian Tire carries them
Are they good though? We switched out laundry detergent almost 2 years ago to Tru Earth and really like that product, so we decided to try their dish washer tabs on our last order.
They suck. All the way suck. Do not clean dishes level of suck. Very disappointing considering how good their laundry sheets are, but it's made me very hesitant to try again.
Haven't tried it yet. Still running up our previous stock
Isn't this brand european?
just saying that if a Canadian version is not available (dishwasher soal being a good example), a non-murican one is still preferred, no?