This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Just got off the phone with my younger son (the one in Florida). He's given in his notice effective immediately, and his wife starts her new job in Germany in April, so they're getting out as soon as they can. They expect to fly out at the end of this coming week, leaving all accumulated stuff behind bar photos and important documents. I wasn't expecting them to go for another month or so, but he reckons the USA is turning extremely nasty on the street so the sooner the better. They're going straight to Germany but plan on coming home for a visit over next Xmas or so. I'm more than a little relieved that they're leaving the USA.
they’re getting out as soon as they can
This whole thing is so ominous.
He describes the situation as a powderkeg. He's pretty good at reading the room too. So is his wife, who is a very sharp observer indeed.
What happened? I’ve been trying to avoid the news.
I really hope they get out safely
Too much has happened recently to give a comprehensive thumbnail sketch, but basically the USA is imploding. I'd continue to avoid the news if possible, unless you have friends/family over there.
Thanks. I would see some but just can’t keep up, the most recent was not allowing trans people to fly? It’s like a gish gallop of fascist bullshit and I can’t even process.
I’m really sorry and hope your family members make it out safe
there's a lot of talk by Trump
I'm not sure what has actually happened other than hasty job cuts and some foreign policy missteps
My Canadian son in law is frightened, n/k, and the Young Seagoons are staying in NZ and then Australia as long as they can.
They're smart people.
Great news. I'm sure it'll be a big relief once they're actually out.
Counting the days.
Thanks everyone for the kind words ❤️
I've decided to take most of tomorrow off (I have 1 meeting I need to attend) and spend the day just relaxing.
Time flies, and life changes so gradually that sometimes you don't notice how different a person you've become.
Goodnight from me and Nest Cat ❤️
10 years sober tomorrow. A day of reflection today.
Well done, mate!
Happy you are doing so well. 😘
Yeeaaah boi! That's hard work.
That’s a massive achievement! I’m so pleased for you! 🥳
Congrats man!
Not an easy thing.
Second day in a row I've collapsed on the bed in the afternoon and needed a nap when I normally never do. Done f all this weekend, didn't even leave the house. I feel all weird and lethargic and not good mentally and physically... at least I'll be on my feet and outside tomorrow but rn I feel so unprepared for it. I should at least drag myself to go make and eat some kind of dinner. blah
Feels. I did leave my apartment for a couple of hours but have found myself in the worst head space I've been in for a while today/tonight. Not sure what's going on.
I feel like it’s going around
yay, every single room and cupboard is sorted and ready to pack except my husband's office.
Now I have to list what kind of boxes I need and how many, then order, then start packing.
I get the new keys on Friday. 🙂
Melbcat is so cute. She’s doing so well for her age and I wish she could stick around forever.
I’m not sure what the future is going to bring but if I can sort out my health and maybe move to a better area I’d love to foster cats.
so many hugs
severance spoilers and health issues
In many ways my love for severance is about the absolutely bonkers show it is, but last ep was different.
That depiction of IVF and miscarriage. The awkwardness of the waiting room. The scene in the bathroom. The dirty grout and the fact the blood was the right colour. The lack of words. And the fact that the post episode discussion on Reddit had so many who knew this was a correct depiction and then some lovely gentle conversations and even questions about "I've also wanted to know if this is what it's like for others". It reminded me of going through that stuff and how it was so hard to be open about it but also there was this ... shared secret thing - so many women who quietly said "me too", younger family members pulling me aside quietly for advice and to share their stories.
I dunno what I even want to share here, just that it's nice when someone somewhere takes the time to depict this stuff with humanity. That's what art is for I guess.
That pained look she had was a perfect depiction.
I've been trying not to count the chickens before they hatch when it comes to uni and careers. But it is so hard not to.
an important part of planning is having hopes and aims , all we can do is work toward those and if opportunity comes be ready
good luck 🤞
Body is bruised and battered and burnt, but still managing to pull up for Sunday arvo dance party. Alfie is not a happy participant.
new moon landing
There’s all this stuff I was going to do but I’m so tired. I went back to bed and napped.
If I had more energy I could do stuff rather than stressing myself out on social media and doomscrolling
Almost finished the bag, noticed I screwed it up and unraveled
( we have all done this, the public only sees the things we finish, not the ones we undid )
I have just worked out I have enough sick leave available to take all of March off. Tempting to book off due to existential angst, but it's probably a better idea to just cut down on the doomscrolling.
Took myself to the movies to see the national theatre production of Macbeth (with David Tennant). They have a bunch that have been filmed while on West End and are now touring in cinemas around the place. Really enjoyed it - Macbeth, awesome stage and music design, David Tennant in all his kilted glory.
Now I am just fighting the urge to nap instead of putting the groceries away. Sigh.
I'm going through my shirts drawers and I'm singing Am I Ever Gonna Wear This Thing Again. No can guess the rest.
I need to do this. The difficulty is finding comfortable replacements
Currently obsessed with the Heritage album by Opeth. A slab of prog rock goodness.
Bah. I’m still sick. Runny/blocked nose with it dropping down into my throat.
Don’t like this :/
late last night someone opened the garden taps full on, the noise woke me up, had to go out and switch them off, the courtyard was flooded
now the neighbour is using power tools again
none of these things is dangerous or stressful if it was an isolated event but when shit like this happens everyday it wears you down
I'm looking forward to some peace and quiet
Gym done (2 days in a row which I'm super happy with after taking a month break, aiming for 5 in a row this week).
Shopping done
Dont have to plan for my week of work ahead.
Time to chillax.