Come on weekend, please get here soon, it's a long weekend!
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
Ongoing discussions, FAQs & Resources (still under construction)
Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Doing orthodontics claims. MAN people have expensive teeth
Happy Friday Eve!
I'm an email in the browser kind of guy. I don't know how people put up with a client. I like to open a link and have it go into the tab next to where I'm reading. I like being able to have my emails open in different tabs in multiple windows. Maybe it's because I'm young, but it's how I've always done it
The only email I like in the browser is Gmail, personally, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a client anyway 😂 I use the Gmail app as well on my phone.
If I'm at a job that uses outlook, I prefer that in the client - most call centre jobs require multiple programs open and I found that having the email in the browser meant I missed stuff or it makes a noise (super distracting when on the phones) 😂 in a client I can mute it but it still looks at the taskbar and see whether it has the orange dot.
I think it all depends on the work you do, and how you grew up :)
Email in browser? Heresy!!!
I had to use the browser versions of Outlook and Teams some time ago, and hated every minute of it.
Give me multiple email windows any day. Probably because I tend to action emails and close windows quickly, whereas tabs can hang around for a long time.
Ugh... I keep tasting bitter traces of detergent because I did a really hurried job of re-rinsing the dishes. Also went back to using paper bowls to feed the cat on difficult days because the mini dishwasher is such a stuff around.
I think I'm going to hand wash a few cups and her bowls because I'm tired of drinking soap. Hate this damn thing. I need it for the washing part but on the whole it really isn't making things much easier.
Edit: Fuck it, rewashing everything by hand
Does the manufacturer have any recommendations on their website for a particular powder or product in a particular dose?
Nah, the Lemmit DT had suggestions though. I bought three different types of detergent trying to solve this (one powder, two liquids)... reducing the detergent does nothing but stop it cleaning the dishes well. Running another load without detergent to rinse also doesn't work. Nothing is clogged. It is carefully stacked despite the limited inefficient space available...
It's just not very good.
KFC or Pizza?
A pizza pie my guy
but not from dominos
Team pizza here too.
. You’re going to feel real bad after KFC as tempting as it is.
Local Pizza > KFC > Dominos.
Where's the pizza from? KFC can be so hit or miss. When it's good it's excellent though.
It's wood oven pizza!
What makes macaroons so good? Why are they so expensive? I don't think I've ever had one.
heh my first ever "hi mum/dad" scam text, noice!
The number it was sent from and the number they provided are different.
I'm not responding, they'll know the number is active lol but tell me what you'd say - joke replies only 😂
I got one supposedly from my son, asking for $100 taxi fare home. He was in San Francisco at the time. That's a very cheap flight I reckon.
I'd know this was fake straight away because it doesn't include "What's for dinner".
Beep Beep 🚚
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