"I use Tinder to find jobs and LinkedIn for dating. There's much less competition!"
A place to post ridiculous posts from linkedIn.com
(Full transparency.. a mod for this sub happens to work there.. but that doesn't influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.)
No Fake Profiles
No Scams
Has this guy actually used LinkedIn lol?
Also "No subscriptions" as if LinkedIn isn't infamous for locking features behind their subscription
Guy doesn't seem to understand what a "work persona" is. I wouldn't want to date my own work persona let alone anyone else's.
I don't even have a linkedin work persona. its an online resume as well as a way to stay in touch with coworkers mainly by getting or giving recommendations. I don't get why anyone posts there.
Once you're above a certain level of wealth, you don't need a worksona any more. Getting fired is just a temporary setback. The terrifying truth is that some people are actually like this; they think they are their careers. ML isn't just the thing he does, it's a part of who he is.
I mean I have a dual major science degree and worked in the field. It is the type of field where it is sorta who you are. Unfortunately like a lot of things its so enshitified no one should really do that anymore.
No need to explain "What is ML/AI" every time.
Oh you absolute goon. No one wants to hear your half baked techno jargon explanation of your 'prompt engineering job' they are trying to be nice and get to know you...
Dude has his parents setting up profiles on "matrimony sites" and thinks the part of that that is outdated is the fuckin web interface?
Like, imagine writing that, thinking LinkedIn would become a dating site...
And all your potential "dates" would see your comment about how Mummy and Daddy couldn't arrange a marriage for you.
They want LinkedIn to be a dating site, because it says how much they make. And that's the only thing they have going for them.
You're judging based on arbitrary standards of the "modern" and "correct" way to find a partner.
I'm pretty sure the people who choose to find a partner by having their parents make profiles on "matrimony websites" are doing it wrong...
Now, I have zero experience with that tactic, but even the LinkedIn Lunatic seems to agree it's not the best plan
So it's not arbitrary standards, it's based on that person saying it's not working.
What's confusing is they don't seem to understandwhy women in 2025 aren't attracted to that method
Who wants to marry a guy based on an ad his mother wrote? Every woman I know would see that as a giant red flag and run for the hills. Which again, seems to be what the person who tried it also found out...
I am pretty sure the women on those sites don't decide who to marry themselves either. It is very likely their parents too.
Parent can make all the dates they want...
Doesn't mean she's going to show up, or if she does that she's going to like the guy.
Like, irrespective of country or culture. Parents try to set up their kids, and it rarely works out except in countries where daughters are essentially property.
If you're referring to a country/culture where the women can't say no...
That's not arranged marriages, that's human trafficking at best.
I didn't say I am in favor of it but it very likely is one of those cultures or countries.
Like, irrespective of country or culture. Parents try to set up their kids, and it rarely works out except in countries where daughters are essentially property.
You're gonna need a source for this. And this is a very backwards view. Just because your patents help you find a partner doesn't mean you don't get a say. You may be thinking of forced marriages, which are not the same
Older source but I assume OOP is from India, where is seems most people prefer arranged marriages at time of publishing. https://www.indiatoday.in/lifestyle/relationship/story/indians-swear-by-arranged-marriages-155274-2013-03-03
Higher among both women and young people.
You’re gonna need a source for this.
You quoted four claims bruh...
If you want a source for one thing, I can probably find it
But I'm not doing a research paper on 3 things for you to say it's the one thing I didn't mention.
You gotta be specific if you want good answers.
Quick edit:
where is seems most people prefer arranged marriages at time of publishing.
Only a dozen years ago people weren't against this!
For this
it rarely works out except in countries where daughters are essentially property
I mean, how am I going to prove two subjective opinions?
That's an unrealistic ask. That's like asking why the 1982 Mets was the best team in history with the world's greatest moustaches. It might be true but any effort to prove it empirically would be an exercise in futility used only to teach someone a point.
If you're trying to have an argument, the smart move would be to find an example of a country where women are both legally and culturally treated as equals and arranged marriage is still something people are happy with.
But I can't exactly prove the Easter bunny didn't his eggs under your pillow unless I can prove it was your sibling messing with you for a prank.
You're asking me to do the same thing you said you can't do
No, yours could be proven with a single example, for what you're asking me I would have to show every single country/culture and the rates...
You know "logic" is an actual class you can take, there's even online ones.
Not even trying to be a dick, that's a 100% free MIT intro to logic course. It's one of those foundational things we stopped teaching
But it will get into how arguments like this can be one sided so they have to be proven from that direction.
Like. That's kind of the whole deal with gravity still being a theory and not proven
The primary problem you pointed out Mr. Passive aggressive totally-not-an-asshole, is that both of those are subjective.
I could trivially cite India right now, but how do I know whether it meets your standards of daughter self-empowerment and marriage success.
Maybe for you and your culture but in most of the world it's not how life is. Inlaws are a big part of marital life and without having your parent bride-hunt for you, you could easy understand the appeal of knowing ahead of time that the person with which you start to build a relation already get along with your parents and you get along with theirs.
Cool, give me a single example where parents picking their kids marriage partners and women have equal rights.
I couldn't find one when I looked yesterday.
You're not getting my point. You're equating parent chosing dates with forced mariage upon the girl.
I'm saying that parent being involve in the chosing of a parter is the way it is done in many place in the world and it does not equate to unhappy or force mariage.
You do realise OOP is a man? If someone is force against, which there is no mention or suggestion of, it is the guy.
You’re not getting my point.
Or the example I asked for ...
I’m saying that parent being involve in the chosing of a parter is the way it is done in many place in the world and it does not equate to unhappy or force mariage
Where? Give me an example
If someone is force against, which there is no mention or suggestion of, it is the guy.
And he's complaining about the lack of women being forced into this...
Dude was probably being set up for an arranged marriage by his family, which can potentially pair you with someone you do not share any interests with or even attracted to in the first place. With that context, it kinda makes sense that he wants someone who at least shares something similar with him, and I guess linkedin is one way of finding out (in his mind).
I have a coworker who had an arranged marriage, and apparently they work pretty well!
Based on a sample size of one person you know from work and what they told you?
More like 3, and stats they've claimed but that I haven't verified.
Sorry didn’t mean to sound like such a dick just woke up when I asked that!
That’s cool though, I haven’t seen much about that, I’ll check into it some time
There is probably something to be said about people that would go through with it and their mindset to growing with each other?
Yup. What they basically said is that their parents do a good job of finding a good match, and both parties try to make it work. That last part is the biggest component of a successful marriage IMO, most problems can be resolved if both parties are interested in resolving them and willing to sacrifice for the other.
I still very much don't like the system, but it's not as bad as I thought it was.
On the one hand, the idea of using linkedin as a dating website is irredeemably terrible. On the other hand, if singles who think otherwise actually follow through with it, that saves a bit of time and frustration for a lot of other people.
Looking at the demographics of people obsessed with linkedin, I feel like it's gonna be a sausage party
So just like any other dating app.
Should work out depending on how you swing.
Never thought about it, but how does LinkedIn finance its service?
Edit: looked it up
Membership fees, marketing services and recruiting solutions
Now that I think about it, there are some premium account things you can pay for
As I don't use it much, I've never really looked into it
Premium subscription that allows messaging people out of your network and provides a bunch of analytics about profile/article views. I know sales, marketing, and recruiting people that love it.
If you're looking for a business partner, then that would be a good site I guess.
It's too much Vinegar!
Closing the door so Frank can use the battering ram is a legit top 10 moment in the show, and that's saying a lot.