It's just past midday, I'm 20 miles from Vegas and it's hot as fuuuuck. Have a photo of a rock archway I drove under this morning for your troubles.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Mickey says "hello"
Hey Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind hey Mickey.
Hooray it's my irl b'day today. we made it.
This calls for premium potato cakes.
E: thank you all for the bday wishes :)
Been speaking to the old man about the shed he had built a few years ago. It was flooded in '19 because the neighbour's sprinkler system ran non stop for weeks. I had to climb over and turn it off because the council and yarra water were hopeless (this isn't the point though). It was a serious amount of water that made its way 2 doors down.
Anyway he's in a little email argument with the other neighbour because he thinks it's that guys fault. The wall is disintegrating and the hydrometer is maxxed out.
I genuinely believe it was the massive flooding event from the other neighbour right before 3 b2b la ninas that super saturated everything so it's a series of compounding events.
In explaining this I said "the theory that holds the most water". Completely lost on him..
So to all you bad pun people, I see you and you are appreciated. It's a tough crowd out there.
Found out that a newer work colleague, who I haven't had much to do with before, is actually struggling a lot emotionally, and is insanely isolated with no idea how to navigate the situation. I had no idea and I felt awful that I had never checked in with her or realised what was going on amidst my own troubles.
We had a very long chat that made me reflect on a lot of things I'd been through more recently, and how severe the impact of poor post-lockdown workplace team management can be on individuals, especially recent arrivals to the country. I know we all like to talk about the benefits of WFH but professional isolation really sucks arse.
I remain fucking astounded by men who think they've gamed the system by weaponising incompetence and being useless bull tits.
protip arsehole: You're just teaching her that you are utterly fucking inconsequential and can be cut out of her life with zero loss.
Made my way down to the bellarine for a little escape.
I will never get tired of distant surf pulverising the shore noise.
Thought I was gonna throw up or pass out on the train. Stood up and went to the door intending to get off and go home. But by the time I got to the next station I was ok. Just knowing I was gonna go home slowly calmed it all down. New powerful kind of panic attack?
Coulda also been a vertigo attack. Looking at a static phone on a particularly rough train ride'll do it.
I left my earphone case in the back of an Uber yesterday morning, didn't realise until I got home last night because I thought I'd left the case at home, I also had been wearing one earphone. Lol. Luckily I called the driver and he had the case (and the other earphone) and he made it to South Melbourne tonight and dropped them off to me.
Left over fried rice with scrambled egg, bacon, and cut up mettwurst for lunch. Feel much better than this morning.
I join the Zoom and it's a political discussion. It's too early to hear this conservative knob rattle on about how bad Labor is.
Pray for me
(He just said 'aboriginies' omg 😭😭😭)
The PMs speech at the referendum date announcement (14 October btw) was excellent. I wonder who wrote it?
My brain-worm gives me unsolicited advice on how to proceed and that’s my excuse
Cats really know the most painful ways to step 😣
Off to a bad start this morning. Really agitated and quite angry at the way a staff member spoke to me and patronized me.
I'd heard rumors how some of them are quite nasty and I think I just encountered it for one of the first time from this people from a certain team.
Anyway about to go outside. Going to take a deep breath and clear my mind while on my duty for an hour and enjoy the fresh smell of rain if it decides to fall.
It sucks that people can be so petty and 'highschool' in the workplace, I'm sorry you were on the receiving end of their immaturity.
Sending you love and good vibes 💜💜💜
Thanks, still happens no matter the workplace and how old they are.
I have to try and let it go though and let it not ruin my day.
I might treat myself to something at the end of the day if I can find some doughnuts.
I'm not one of those people who froth over Aldi's Wednesday bargains but I really wanted that jaffle iron.
Came very close to buying a dart board too.
Everybody look at the moon! Everybody seeing the moon! The moon is bright, it's milky white (blue?), everybody look at the moon! huh!
Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖 🍗🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥫🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙🥠🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮 🍗 🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
Apologies. Chef was chained by the Heatmonster.
I want to return this:🐔, it's very loud and pecked me
Thank you that is the egg dispenser. Here have an egg instead. 🥚
Classes done for the day; it is much more tolerable attending when I can play BG3 at the same time lol, feels like a podcast.
But as classes are done, you know what time it is??
It's Wine Time 🍷🍷🍷
Oh no
My guts are gurgling and bubbling like witch's cauldron.
I'm afflicted with the dreaded period shits 😱💀
Where's everyone buying their secondhand books online these days? A lot of the ones I was using are American, and the price difference and shipping costs are making it all far less economical.
Haggles for dinner filled with Devon, cheese and mushrooms.
Maybe I needed thicker bread to do this.
Can’t wait to take a bite of these without burning myself.
I love this weather. Not when I have to run out to grab clothes that are on the line.
Exercises completed whilst looking out window at dreary weather. I kinda like it if the kids don't complain about it, which they didn't this morning. They did complain about the cheap shit umbrellas I bought. Elder peeler said, "why do you always buy such cheap shit umbrellas?" and I said "they pretty much all are, or about 95% of the umbrellas I've encountered are." Good umbrellas are either super exy compared to a cheap one or basically an antique like the one I inherited from my Pop, (super large, hand stitched, leather handle) which I don't take out often because I'm paranoid about losing it. Looks like I've gotta buy more umbrellas!
.... What do you say to this, seriously....
Vulgar and barbarous are words that come to mind.
9:30pm, night time and it's still 37C.. I've wandered down the strip to Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville for a cocktail and a burger.
I could show you the cocktail but maybe you'll like the inside of the Venetian casino more.
Um… why am I geoblocked from the Coles site? Nothing has changed, I ordered recently and I don’t have a VPN.
Go home Coles. You’re drunk.
Edit: it’s changed to being down for maintenance which eases my mind a bit. Coles, buddy, you could have just said that and spared me a heart attack. Especially as Woollies also seems to not be working at the same time.
Hi so who do I file a complaint with about whatever the fuck kind of weather is happening right now? Cause this is just unacceptable
Sleepy potat
Last night the kid ask if I knew any Australian artists. I kept it real simple for her while she googled examples.
Fredrick McCubbin - Landscapes predominantly of the Macedon Ranges. Includes browns, khakis, more brown and a hint of off white.
Brett Whiteley - Interesting work. Famous for his big wall of scribble.
Ken Done - Vibrant colours. Reprints include doona covers, coasters and jumpers.
Pro Hart - Just google Pro Hart carpet ad
Sidney Nolan - A child's paintings of Ned Kelly.
After that she felt much better about the artwork she had been submitting.
The other day she was pacing up and down and when I asked her what she was doing she replied "I'm creating artwork". It turns out that the class had to choose their favourite artist and submit work that matched said artist. She printed out her steps in different colours and presented it as a "Jackson Pollock inspired piece". The teacher praised her for her creativity.