Anybody wanting a whites only country should go back to whitelandia where they came from.
British Columbia
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What are the odds they don't want to vaccinate their children?
Weird thing to do as well, as it seems like an invitation to retaliation. Who thinks that behaviour is tolerated? Guessing rationality isn't their strength to begin with.
Hope this bites them in the ass hard enough that their kids don't care to follow the example.
Really wish people could be baseline decent human beings.
Really wish people could be baseline decent human beings.
I think many could be, but most of our societies reward selfish behavior while creating frustration, dissatisfaction, and misdirected anger. People are unhappy with aspects of their lives, and it’s easier to blame other individuals/groups than try to tackle the deeper, more complex roots of the issue.
My question is how do you police something like this? Assume it is real and there is a group of people that form a white only play group... now what? Force them to disband and not allow them to gather? Force them to accept non-white members? Something tells me that these people will not be receptive to reasoned debate, protest, or social isolation. If anything, isolation is what they want.
I get being upset that such shitheelry is afoot, but I can't imagine normal well adjusted people wanting this group's members around them in polite society. I'm not even making a point here, I honestly don't know what the practical thing to do here is, if there even is anything to do other than be disgusted by them.
The disgust - which should be the bare minimum - is very, very often withheld.
So go full force on disgust. That's plenty on its own. It's not just about them who organized this, but to show to everyone this is targeting (non-white supremacists) that this is not accepted in our communities, and that the people who aren't directly targeted by this do not want to be in the company of white supremacists either.
The weaker the disgust is, the more it emboldens others to think 'lesser' forms can sneak in under the radar, since it's not 'as bad' as the first thing they did. Everyone who's targeted by the impact of this hatred sees those attempts made over and over again, so shutting it down each time shows that there's never going to be a compromise of "okay we'll do a little bit of racism because we have to meet in the middle".
Yeah, it doesn't have to require a legal solution. Public shunning is an effective tool against things like this. Most people feel shame. As well, most employers do not want to employ blatant bigots, and losing your job can be just as harsh as any legal system punishment would be. In most cases, public shaming is all it takes for the event to dissolve entirely.
now what?
Lawsuit? Police investigates the group to inquire if it's a case that warrants charges on incitement of hatred?
So many options, depending on the results of the investigation.
Or it's a troll
Eh, I give it 50/50. As long as Her Majesty Queen ~~Roman Dildo~~ Romana Didulo I roams the land I have to concede that any nonsense is possible.