This is how most smokers need to be talked to anyway
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Dude, you're high. You asked for an explanation for a six month old again.
whoa.. duuude...
Lol, I often ask Chat to describe things to me like a stoned surfer bro, it's hilarious
Looks accurate on the ELI5 front. Most user-written ELI5s are incomprehensible to five year olds.
Cannot deny it, I feel loved.
This sounds like me trying to explain what strains I got after smoking all day.
Alexa explain cannabis to me like I'm staring at my fingers
Hello, HeyThisisnttheYMCA Cannabis works something like this.....
Notice your arms? Yeah, they're pretty cool. Especially how they turn into wrists then hands then BAM!!!! Fingers everywhere. Don't forget to breathe ok. Fingers are pretty snazzy appendages! You can grab stuff. Don't forget to breathe ok. You can touch stuff. Touching stuff is super cool because you FEEL it when you touch something. Or someone.... Like that night in Sidney. Boston was a great town. Wow! ! Sidney was HER name not the place OMG! Don't forget to breathe ok. So you touched her insides. Yeah inside. Warm, cozy, and perfect. Inside.... versus outside? Yeah outDon't forget to breathe okside outside outside outside fresh air and everything is outside. Air Air is cool. But warm air is cool too. So warm equals cool. Explain in full your thought process in proving the therom warm equals cool. You have sixty minutes. Damn it you totally forgot to breathe! Don't forget to breathe ok. STARTING, NOW! These writers cramps are killing me but this is my final final exam. I mean my fingers are knotted up, hands and wrists ache up to my arms..... you ever notice your arms?