How well will it hold up to thermal and nuclear radiation? Can I hold the power of the sun in the palm of my hand?
If it’s an Arc Reactor, then yes.
Scientists have refused to answer if one could theoretically “get freaky with my girlfriend” with the device.
Are they really scientists if they don't want to push the boundaries of knowledge?
its not that they don’t want to push the boundaries, they just want to keep the knowledge of the experimental trials to themselves
Those greedy bastards! A lot us us want to get freaky too.
Read the article and then the actual paper's abstract - this isn't like a mind controlled thing guys, it's controlled with your foot. Not quite a doc oc thing like the article makes it out to be
Still could be pretty cool for when you stand or sit on one place anyway
Where do I sign up to become the real DocOc?
I read the headline out loud to my friend and said "I can't wait!" She replied "for what?" And I said "to become doc oc." Then I opened the comments and this is the first thing I saw. 10/10
I'd be using it to feed me snacks while gaming. No longer shall I be limited by snacks that leave residue on your fingers.
Practice on a hotdog first the scientists warned the doctor with a sad wisdom look in his eyes.
Hello there
Heavy cult Mechanicus breathing
There's a lot of tasks where something like this mounted to a workstation would be super helpful.
Didnt you know? People are the new mobile workstation.
They should use this method to manufacture cars.
I distinctly remember reading a short story in middle school about a kid without a third arm living in a world where everyone had a third robotic arm...
Ah, the stranger's hand.
I'm sad to live in a time when this is not yet commercially available to the public.
I would be terrified of getting an eye itch.
apparently this one is controlled by the foot. but adding to your comment, imagine trying to scratch your butt with something like this on or swatting a fly that landed on you.
That would be handy.