First comment on here, really glad casual made it over!
It’s still too fucking hot…
A friendly place to chat.
No politics please. Don't be a dick.
First comment on here, really glad casual made it over!
It’s still too fucking hot…
I have been in a discussion with a colleague all day about the API controversy, instead of working. We have been talking about how Lemmy feels like what Reddit once was; a community of people that have interesting discourse around interesting topics, and not just an endless scroll of low effort posts and lower effort comments like 'THIS!', 'AND MY AXE!', or 'I ALSO CHOOSE THIS GUYS DEAD WIFE'.
I think I have been grieving the what Reddit once was for a much longer time than I realised. Lemmy feels like home, one that I haven't haven't been able to visit for years.
My husband has been following a discord channel of each sub going dark like he's watching the races. Chuckling about sub names and citing the user numbers/stats
We all learned about a lot of very specific porn subreddits while watching that lol! At least I assume that's where your husband learned about them.
Wowie this community is growing fast due to the outage! I hope you guys are enjoying the weather!
I may have accidentally stayed up all night to watch the meltdown and am now dead. Worth it to be there for the moment /r/funny went offline though (at like 5am, omg I am too old for this sort of thing!)
Today is gonna be rough, I have to somehow perk up enough to record a YT video and seem like I'm happy about it.
reaches pathetically for the kettle
What was there to watch? Genuinely curious - I would never have thought to do this because I assume that one minute there were jokes in /r/funny and the next minute it was just a message saying it was private? Or was there more to it than that. Good for you for staying up for it regardless - the world needs more people as committed to the cause as you!
I assume they were watching a website like this one:
Thanks for this, very interesting!
2 sugars, strong. Thx
Took me ages to get signed on to Lemmy but now I'm here... It's too hot to think, so I'm going home
What happened to the Gulf Stream? I learnt in school that the Gulf Stream kept our temperatures in a nice moderate range. Why did I have to run the central heating for most of May, then 2 weeks later open all the windows and keep the fan on all night? Where has the Gulf Stream gone and how do we get it back?
I think it's the inverse, the gulf stream (if I understand it correctly) keeps the UK warm as we are roughly on the same equatorial line as Canada/Alaska/Russia. Without it we'd likely be much colder in general which doesn't sound to bad right about now, though in winter it'd suck
I stay in the Northern Isles, believe me the gulf stream keeps our temperatures in a very moderate range. If you like it gray and damp the North of Scotland has you covered.
Yeah, I travelled down to Inverness from Orkney on Saturday. There was a 10 °C temperature difference from 11 to 21.
All I know about the Gulf Stream is that you can sense its influence at the Logan Botanic Garden. Just take your scary masks off first, if you want to avoid the police.
I'm so confused.
Anyone else think it's too hot for tea? I really want a cuppa but in this heat it's just not the same.
Agree! I don't know how people do tea in this weather, and I love tea.
Smashing back the bottles of water like no tomorrow.
You can make cold tea, like coldbrew coffee. just put the leaves in a container and soak overnight in the fridge. serve with ice, very refreshing. To make it easier you can put it in a cafetiere, and use the filter from that to pour it out. Also tea is still drunk plenty in countries with much higher average temperatures.
Struggling to come up with ideas for dinner. Looking like it's gonna be another chicken fucking salad. Can't bear to cook anything over the cooker. Might even just get sandwhich stuff which has the benefit of being able to tell the weans to make their fucking own dinner for once.
Pasta salad? Gazpacho soup?
Ended up going for BLTs!
Looks like the blackout worked?
It was actually pleasant this morning cycling to work, then I walked outside 15 minutes ago for lunch and it felt like the sun was trying kill me and the air trying to suffocate me.
Really thinking about investing in one of those ~£300 air conditioning units for home next year, as summers seem to keep getting worse, anyone tried those?
If you get a portable one, make sure you get the kind with two hoses. Otherwise you'll create a vacuum that will pull in hot air to the room you're trying to cool.
The second hose prevents that by using outside air instead.
Portable Air-con unit is well worth the money! Bought mine about 8 years ago and it's still going strong. Downside is remembering to empty the bucket you put the hose in to. Other than that I cannot fault it.
What make/model are we talking? I thought the portable ones weren't supposed to be all that great, and quite noisy? We've been making do with a big floor standing fan, but it only does so much.
Mines a Challenge. I got it from Homebase for about £275. It is a little loud when the AC kicks in. Sounds a little bit like the burrring noise a pressure washer makes. It's on wheels so it can be moved easily as a bit heavy. If you get the doors shut, the tube out of the window and the curtains shut it gets the room like a little fridge in about half an hour to an hour. You set the temperature you are aiming for and when it hits it, it switches to fan only mode to save electricity.
We bought one 3 years ago and haven't looked back. Our living room is a nice, cool place to be in this incredible heat. 😰
Really thinking about investing in one of those ~£300 air conditioning units for home next year, as summers seem to keep getting worse, anyone tried those?
I'm not keen on the idea, air conditioning makes it feel even hotter when you go outside - and who wants to sit around inside on a hot day?
would agree, also air conditioning is part of the problem that keeps making every summer hotter. People in hotter countries don't use ac all the time, just drink cold drinks, keep the house shady with wind blowing through, etc.
I absolutely want to sit inside on a hot day if there's air conditioning, because going outside is miserable!
I can't stand this sort of heat/humidity, the last 2 weeks were absolutely lovely though, give us more of that.
Me if it's air conditioned
As someone who now lives on the west coast of Scotland I'm actually enjoying the novelty of a bit of hot dry weather.
I used to dread weather like this when I lived in London though.
I'm on the east coast of Scotland, and it must have rained last night, because it's muggy af outside. I think all the moisture is just evaporating. Walking outside is like going into our bathroom after my eldest has had one of his marathon showers.
Yes, I must admit it has turned a bit humid today. Still beats sideways rain though.
Don't you threaten me to chat! I'll audibly tut at you and avoid eye contact if you're not careful
You'd better chat, or I'll make you a cuppa by microwaving the water.
I removed Sync from my phone homescreen and the reddit link on my browser bar.
Currently wondering how I'll see who else is too hot and if Celtic appoint a new manager (which makes me think someone needs to start a instance for things like Scottish football..)
I was thinking of creating a Scottish lemmy instance, but someone seems to have bought both and domains. I hope they actually do something with them, but seeing they have bought both of them, it doesn't seem promising. Any other .scot domain ideas would be nice.
What about, like lemming -> lemmy haggis -> haggy
oh thanks, I like it. I think it sounds a bit odd, but it makes sense, and it doesn't seem to have any other notable uses. I will update you on my progress.
My wife's away in Corfu this week with her mother, so I took the executive decision to book today off work. Bloody glad I did, because it's glorious.
Got a few bits to do around the house this morning, then I'm going to spend the afternoon in garden, under the gazebo with a series of cold drinks doing a bit of studying.
Precious, precious alone time. Make the most of it!