Patiently waiting for update on GrapheneOS.
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Are they working fast? I install Graphene last week so I have no idea yet...
Last time it took them about a week or less, so they're pretty fast yeah
Is there a comprehensive list of all (user-facing) changes and new settings?
I thought Android Police did a pretty good job.
Thanks! In the meantime I also found a video by In Depth Tech Reviews (great channel) in which many changes are shown.
Just reporting in. Pixel 7 on T-Mobile and nothing yet. I tried that trick by turning off the SIM and checked over Wi-Fi too and nothing. I'll get it when I get it, no big deal.
Ditto, looked at the side loading options too, and it just seems like a lot of fuss in just to get the update up-to a week or so early.
I tried sideloading an update several times earlier this year and just had a lot of problems. It kept failing half way through and I got annoyed and gave up. Back in the Cyanogenmod days I would flash updates almost every week. I've just reached a point where I don't feel like messing with all that shit anymore. So I'll wait. lol
Oh man, Cyanogen, nostalgia rush! I had that on my Motorola Cliq!
It breathed life into my Captivate and Infuse phones, beautifully at that. I miss the boldness of Android then.
Man I had a Captivate and then a Skyrocket, but my first Android phone was an HTC Aria. That thing was so tiny! lol
Not getting it yet on my international 7 pro. Hopefully soon
Hasn't made it to my pixel 7 on Google Fi either (Ohio).
Pixel 4 says I'm up to date on last year's OS. 🪦
Yep, Pixel 4 and Pixel 4a will not be getting anymore updates.
With the 4a it's close to a scam. But what do you expect from Goo "Don't be evil" gle?
I agree entirely with that sentiment. With this absurd abandonment of the 4a, the constant reports of owners not being able to dial 911, and my 4a randomly deciding one day to go into "emergency mode" and begin calling 911 on its own (while the phone was in my hand, I was just checking email, finger was nowhere near the power button to activate "emergency mode"), and the fact that the feature gap between Android and iOS is becoming narrower and narrower, I am seriously considering going back to iPhone 🙄
Downloading it now. Pixel 6 in Poland.
Be super keen if a bit more effort was put into "themed icons" where it uses a monochrome icon for each of the apps to force them to use your selected theme pallet. I've got no idea why there isn't an option on the app level to override the default icon so that every app, regardless of how stubborn the developers are will be consistent.
I side loaded it and it works great!
Live in Canada.
Just installed. Pixel 7a, Germany. It booted 😂
Thanks! Installing now, 6a in Europe.
2:20 ET America T-Mobile: Nothing yet (Unlocked P7 Pro)
It will take days or weeks for the rollout to complete. If you want it before then, you can download the OTAs and sideload them from here:
Hasn't Android had a thing for a while where it gives update priority to people who manually check for updates? Like, my phone (7a) didn't say an update was available, but then I clicked the "Check for update" button, and now it said Android 14 is available.
So I don't think anyone who really wants the update soon needs to sideload the OTA, just check for an update and you'll probably get it.
This sounds vaguely familiar. FWIW, I am still not seeing 14 on my Pixel 7 despite manually checking a bunch of times.
I've just checked now (Pixel 7a, Catalonia) and it's upgrading to 14
I always do that. I think I only waited once, it notified me like 4 days later. But when I go into the settings and manually search for the update, it always gives me the update as soon as it's announced.
I always got updates on the day one. Is this american thing (because americans buy phones modified by their carrier)?
I got my phone unlocked directly from Google, but I think it might still get held back based on my network. I'm not sure what the current state of this is. Historically at least, yes, it's been a clusterfuck with US networks.
Anyone by chance have the build number for the stable version?
I'm going to assume I didn't get silently updated from the beta to stable (especially since it's only now getting late over here, and OTAs normally only auto-install for me around 2AM), but I'd like to check just to be sure.
Ah, thanks! I am definitely not on that build yet then, looks like I'll just wait for the OTA (or I suppose I could sideload it, but its not that big of a deal).
got it in New Zealand 😎
Pixel 6 pro here in Vietnam, updating now!
Oh hey! I'm using a Pixel 6 Pro in Vietnam too. On GrapheneOS though.
Hello bạn 😂
Chào bạn nhé =)))
Also on a pixel 6 pro, in Denmark not received the update yet. But good to know I should be getting it soon.
I've gone from the beta that I've been using since it came out, now to the beta QPR1 Beta 2
Haven't even seen the stable version. Probably should have opted out somewhere 🤣
Updated successfully on a pixel 7 in Australia
Interesting how yours wasn't weirdly quoted, I already thought it looked a bit strange. I'm on Pixel 6.
Mine too is n quotes, also pixel 6
Yeah, that's really weird, you'd think all builds for different devices went through the same build pipeline. I'm on 7a
Pixel 6 pro, Vietnam
Got it on Verizon P7P. Thanks for the heads up!