They do not have it automated. I put in a request 2 weeks ago and still haven’t heard back.
When can you complain about the slow response?
I would not at all be surprised if the GDPR dictates a set time period to respond backed up by fines.
the GDPR gives them 30 days to honor your request I think?
Yeah it’s 30 days, though they can push it up to 90 if they have a good reason. They have to inform you of that though.
And to be fair, a large influx of data requests is probably considered a good reason.
You can also request it again every 30 days... just saying.
They have 30 days I believe.
Yeah same. They might be holding back until the last minute deliberately in some 4D chess move, but like you I think it’s more likely some poor soul is preparing them manually.
I don't think they want that, they have a month before they have to come back with something or you can escalate it to a supervising body. Imagine getting taken to court because redditors flooded your GDPR response process
Reddit has not made a single 1D chess move this entire debacle, theyre defiinitely not that intelligent.
To save everyone from having to type:
Also if you’re feeling extra cantankerous you could try emailing them directly: [email protected]
Even though they say you have to use their form, they can’t actually force you to do that:
You can also mail them a letter requesting your data and they have to honor it 🤣
Haha that’s worth a go - there is basically zero chance of them responding to that properly.
Wow can you imagine how much carnage a letter based subject access request onslaught could be? There’s basically no way around employing people to open letters and then do a bunch of data entry just so they can email you and say “hey fill in this form”.
Edit: Could they even email you? Would they have to respond by post?
So I already sent mine via their link but I have another 2 accounts. One is my first one since 2013 and one from 2016. I already mass edited all my comments but I found this.
I would actually send a letter to them for the other accounts, need to find their address and see how much it costs since I would have to most likely send it in the US.
Edit Oh wow it's the same price and I can even request to have a confirmation of delivery, in total it would be under 5€. I will send it. Need to find out the address.
I would insist that they print the information out and mail it to me. 😂
Posting pictures of Jon Oliver does nothing. A German reddit mod told me, that the admins themselves suggested that the German mods should do this kind of protest instead of keeping the sub in NSFW mode 🤡. The NSFW action + blackout was the only thing that actually hurt them.
Making popular subreddits NSFW clearly hurts them, because Reddit has been forcing them to switch it off. They've also been forcing subreddits to reopen if they've been restricted. So those two options aren't really very viable for every sub.
I suspect this one hurts them too because this post is not visible any more unless you go directly to it or via the pics subreddit - despite it being newer and having more votes than other posts in there that are on the homepage and in popular.
If even a quarter of the people that upvoted this post clicked through to the request form they're gonna have tens of thousands of these requests to deal with.
Well, switching to NSFW not only limits their revenue to to their self-declared restriction on advertising in those subs, but - and I think this is more important - those subs go dark for the purpose of reddit's front page. They made the change a couple years ago to exclude all nsfw subs from r/all. There was no need to; r/best was already r/all without the NSFW subs. Any sub that is excluded from r/all is invisible to the eyeballs which pay the bills because that's the default home page.
Exactly. Especially a subreddit whose entire purpose is posting pictures, why would reddit care if all those pictures are of a single celebrity.
This is exactly what I did one week ago when I decided to leave Reddit. They still haven't gotten back to me
Yeah I did this not to just mess with them. I did it cause I'm leaving and I want my data.
This is the same for me! "A message will be sent to your reddit inbox" complete silence. Though the submission message said it could take 30 days or something.
The GDPR states, that request must be completed within a month. In case you're from Europe, you could report reddit to your local authorities if they don't respond within that time frame. A single report won't probably cause a reaction. But several reports from several individuals on the other hand...
Doing my part
Remind me to never run a company (into the ground) and piss off the entire internet 🤣
Edit: Also, done.
Just did it for my 10yr old 150k karma account.
Thanks for posting this over here. I otherwise wouldn't have known this was going on. As I used a mostly lurker account for game day threads I wasn't going to bother with a data request. It's a whole different story if we can inundate them though. Request submitted. o7
I loaded up Reddit and did my part. For those who still have Reddit accounts, upvote the original to keep it at the top
also did my part 🫡
Me and all my alts covering around 10 years have requested 😈
Also, remember the threat that Reddit presented to capitalism's status quo around the height of antiwork and GME.
If Reddit falls, it will be on purpose (by the people running/funding Reddit. Same as the 180 of Twitter as a somewhat legitimate forum - Twitter being a key organizing tool during the Arab Spring (with the Saudis being the largest investor in Twitter behind elon of course).
Billionaires do each other favors to keep the class war in balance.
This is an insightful take that I've not seen discussed as much as I think it should be. People like to make fun of billionaires for being apparently stupid, but there's more going on here when the stupid decisions of these billionaires are resulting in directly destroying tools that have become increasingly and specifically used for anticapitalist actions.
Hence also why Meta is so interested in getting in on the fediverse in whatever capacity they can; they want to influence and direct the conversations of the working people in opposition to them, and eventually they'll try to destroy this too.
Just did it, fuck 'em.
Makes me wish I wasn't so quick to delete my account.
Methinks you can also do that request for a deleted account? You'd have to do it by email then I guess ([email protected]).
Quite a longer process I think. In the end the only nice thing I got from this whole mess is to discover lemmy. I also suggest everyone to check Mastodon as Twitter alternative. Fk monopolies ✊️
I would be really surprised if it isn't automated. I would think they just delay as long as possible to provide the info back.
You’d be surprised. I’ve worked with some even pretty large companies that just don’t have a good process for this and rely on people doing some semi-manual process to prepare a response. My current employer got swamped with requests unexpectedly and had a hard time dealing with them all.
Interestingly finding them was the hardest part because requests can come in to any part of your business, even via social media:
Not that easy, it's not a simple SQL query:
If they give you some data under that framework, then it implicitly means that legally they acknowledge that they have checked all of those boxes. So before they give you the data there are probably lots of "are we incriminating ourselves by giving this guy this piece of data?" questions that they're asking themselves.
it’s not a simple SQL query
shh... some developers in my team would take that as a challenge and cook up a 3000 lines long stored procedure
Yeah stuff that, additionally saved my one Frontpage post and then deleted all comments and posts and finally my account
Just put the request, now I only have to wait a geological era to have my data back
Is June 30th specifically the best time to do this… so they know why? Or should I just do it now?
Don’t think it matters, but they’ll certainly get a lot today from this post in r/pics, it’s on like 15k votes. Today is probably as good a time as any.
That's genius! I just did it myself.