More like
$499 .... HOLD!
$599 .... HOLD!
$699 .... HOLD!
$799 .... HOLD!
$699 .... NOW!!!!!!! ... THE SAVINGS!! ... TAKE THEM NOW!!!!!!
More like
$499 .... HOLD!
$599 .... HOLD!
$699 .... HOLD!
$799 .... HOLD!
$699 .... NOW!!!!!!! ... THE SAVINGS!! ... TAKE THEM NOW!!!!!!
If you still use Amazon, get the CamelCamelCamel addon. It shows you a graph of how the price of an item has changed, so you can see if a sale is really a discount of just one of these fake "sales".
Easy to use, doesn’t need an account, doesn’t even need to be installed as an extension. Works for non-US amazon.
Thank you for promoting this!
Is it still working? When I tried it looked like Amazon blocked API and the prices available were off 3rd party sellers.
It worked when I was using it last week. It's always a little behind.
For some things the "3rd party seller" history matches amazon, a lot of videogames have the same promotions across multiple stores.
Not for me. Prices are months behind and Amazon pricing is unavailable.
Worked for me yesterday
Reminds me of when Circuit City was finally going out of business and they were having a liquidation sale. There were some TVs I was looking at and they were regularly priced at like $800. They had STACKS of those TVs they couldn't move.
Then CC was going out of business and was going through liquidation. The same TVs were being advertised as MSRP $1,299 but 25% liquidation pricing and people were buying 2 at a time.
So we're to blame
It's called the JCPenney effect, because at one point JCPenney attempted to get rid of all the bullshit sales and only list the real actual price. It almost bankrupted them, because instead of buying jeans from them for $20 people would go to the store next door that had literally the exact same jeans for $40 but with a sign that said that they were 40% off
This is a case where it is 100% the fault of the consumers, because we are retarded and fall for this bullshit every single time
We just did this with Braveheart and a barbecue.
Someone needs to do the same meme with all of these memes.
Yeah, that’s illegal.
Illegal here, too, but the government doesn't care.
Not in Freedomtopia
Small town business man... xD..
Report to the FTC.
Yesssss let's make sure small business owners get sued into oblivion because we don't like their prices hell yeah your Amazon package was delivered today my good sir
Being a small town business doesn't automatically make you a saint. They still need to follow the rules they signed up for.
And two things can be bad at once.
Might be in the US... not here.
It is in Europe. The advertised ‘from’ price must be the lowest price of the last 30 days.
Which is why the price starts raising a couple months before stuff like this. So it looks like a real sale, it should really be the lowest advertised price over the last year
I live in Europe, but my country is not part of the EU. That's probably EU regulations/laws.
It's illegal in the US.
But uh, so is catching a fish with your bare hands in Kansas.
This happens all the time in the US.
Common practice in digital game stores
Europe ar least
Got my dad a smart watch for crimpus, £25 reduced from £80 because black Friday. Out of curiosity, I checked a price tracker website, where you can see an Amazon product's price history. It had never been above £30.
Absolute cunts. I thought that shit was illegal, which is why I never bothered to check. Fuck me, it's like the wild West in there sometimes.
Yeah, IDK if things are like this in the US and other western countries, but it's how they are here. Shit is cheaper on every other day except when there are discounts 😒. There are some execeptions, but yes, most of the time, things are cheaper when not on a discount.
I wanted a G8 monitor or the G9
The G9 is still €1799 and the G8 went from €888 to €840.
I'll wait for an upgrade of either and see these drop to 2/3 of msrp or something.
Also; free shipping => free shipping if you buy over N dollars!!
Sooooo true 🤣👍