Pancakes are whiter than a ghost. Lol. The way you took the photo does it no favors either. Turn your flash off and get better natural lighting.
Siiick hope it gets added to ps
That's the problem with most tech these days. They assume they know the best way to do something or know better than you. Its infuriating
What bee? Is it a specific one?
This is genuinely why i don't like souls likes. I can be good. I can learn a lot. But ultimately, it's this cycle almost every single boss. Almost win first time, then get murdered two or three time while you learn the pattern. Then when you think you've got it they throw out a modified version of a move that your used to avoiding but has something extra on it. And then the other half of the time I get killed by something that's not technically random bullshit but feels like bullshit. And i just hate that gameplay loop. Nothing wrong with the game i just dont enjoy its core loop lol
Swiss artist HR Giger. An eccentric albeit mild-mannered fellow
Wasn't he famously super racist?
Someone probably added the "screen" but everything about this just looks like a screenshot of an emulator on the phone
"author unknown" like this isn't just a screenshot of an sp emulator
Best celebrity donut has had on yet. I hope he ends up in some main channel videos
Basically all of steve moulds channel.
How many of these decades later sequels have succeeded? Especially comedy based ones. No thanks adam Sandler