
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

What about the electric Stellantis vans? ESpacetourer etc.. Short version is 4.983, long version 5.333 m.

Mercedes offers the electric Vito, 5.14 or 5.37m.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

At 4,695 mm long, 1,895 mm wide, and 1,899 mm tall, Kia’s passenger electric van is slightly smaller than the European ID.Buzz model

So... I'm biased. We've been driving an electric Mercedes Vito for a few years. Got the L3 version with 9 seats (of which I usually don't have 2 in there to have more space in the back). The Kia is almost a meter shorter. I was already anticipating that the buzz would make my car obsolete, but it turned out that instead of a proper van they just released an overpriced lifestyle vehicle with about half the volume of the eqv or the Stellantis van. Now that seems to repeat.

With a van, I'm looking for utility. Why would I get this one if I could as well grab a > 5.3m van? Even the short eSpacetourer is 4.983m long, illustrating just how oddly small the Kia is. It's obviously a hypothetical argument because I'll probably be happily driving my Vito for the next 10 years at least, but the size alone would be a deal breaker for me.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

Here, you dropped this:


[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

You can't use public keys to sign anything. You need the private one.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (9 children)

If you're running a public service, you should have a key that's trusted by a CA anyway. So why couldn't you, especially for qr codes that link to an https site, embed a signature in that qr code that verifies that the person that owns's private key also created the code you just scanned? Just like signed pdfs?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'll have two ingots of that, please.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Wie so oft ist n Funke (höhö) Wahrheit hinter dem Mythos: N Model S hat sich wohl in China wirklich selbst entzündet:

"seltener" heißt ja nicht "nie"

Während dem Laden haben die Dinger Mal einfach so 120V zwischen Karosse und Boden:

Was zur Hölle?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Die Namensgebung in dem Laden ist mir echt ein Rätsel...

  • bZ4X
  • C-HR+
  • Urban Cruiser

Wenn man schon auf bescheuerte Buchstaben-Zählen-Kombis setzt, sollte da dann nicht ein Schema drin stecken? So wie bei id3, id4, id5 etc? Bz4x und c-hr+ sind unaussprechliche Kürzel ohne Zusammenhang. Urban Cruiser steht daneben als ob sie uns nur eben noch zeigen wollen, dass sie Wörter durchaus benutzen können wenn sie wollen, aber vor allem um allen klarzumachen, dass selbst die Idee "wirre Kürzel ohne weiteres Schema" kein Schema ist. Was soll das?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

A friend ordered stuff from there when it was reduced. It broke quickly though, so he wanted to have it replaced. Otto outright refused to handle it as a replacement, insisting on him getting his money back instead so he would have to pay the full price to order it again if he wanted a working version. It went so far that he contacted a lawyer about it who confirmed that Otto broke the according consumer law but that handling it via lawyers would be more expensive than just buying it for the full price.

Would never order something from them. Please do if you want to get screwed over.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

Warhammer and Warhammer 40k.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Oh well, maybe it's just a car that was bought or ordered before he went utterly insane...

looks at plate

Ah, okay. Well-deserved then.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Also jetzt mal ganz spekulativ...


Ich weiß, ich weiß... Die Winterreifen. Die Heizung. Die Batterie, die bei den Temperaturen ein wenig weniger aufnimmt. Alles in Summe. Vielleicht will ich bei dem miesen Wetter und der Dunkelheit auch schneller zu Hause sein.

Das dachte ich mir alles schon. Kennt man ja. Hab mir deswegen auch die letzten Wochen nichts dabei gedacht.

Und was war's tatsächlich? Bremse hinten fest. Und zum Schluss so arg, dass ich as erst gemerkt habe, als nach einer längeren Fahrt die Felge hinten so heiß war, dass man die kaum anfassen konnte. Schrauber hat hinten die komplette Bremse tauschen müssen weil die durch die Hitze komplett im Eimer war.


Schön: während die Karre in der Werkstatt war gab's einen elektrischen als Leihwagen. Man stellt sich langsam auf uns ein. Daumen hoch dafür.


So, the core box has been shipped to known Star Wars Armada content creators, it seems, so the first gameplay reports are dropping, which is nice to see and should help to decide if the game's for you...

Tbh, especially the ship movement seems odd to me. Too many steps involved to get a ship to its next position. The emphasis on story and interaction beyond fighting on the other hand seems very star trek-ish and at first glance well done.

Link Collection for all Things X-Wing TMG (

So, there's a page with lots of links for various X-Wing TMG resources... But it's hosted on the FFG forums and with the game being discontinued and having been transferred from FFG to AMG literal years ago, I thought I'd just copy them here. This is, for now, just the copy-pasted link collection. I'll go through them to remove stuff that's no longer online and maybe add stuff I found elsewhere, but right now I'd just like to keep MidWestScrub's links alive in case FFG decides to finally pull the plug on the forum.

This is meant to be an addition to the excellent post @MajorJuggler has kept updated over the years. For that 1.0 thread, click here.


Gold Squadron Podcast .

Mynock Squadron Podcast .

Radio TCX.

OCX Radio.

Birmingham Barons.

The Inland Empire Aces.

Scum and Villiany Podcast.

Carolina Krayts.

186th Squadron Podcast.

Sith Takers Snap Shots.

Thule Squadron Radio.

Evergreen Squadron Radio.

512 Squadron Podcast.

Liberty Squadron Podcast.

Stay on Target.

Back to Dials.

Hornet Squadron.

Renegade Squadron Podcast.

HitHitCrit Podcast.

Lack of Focus Podcast.

Cloud City Radio.

The Salt Mines Podcast.

Sea to Sky Squadron Podcast

Florida Man Plays X-Wing.

Turn Zero.

Tosche Station X-Wing Podcast.

The Midwest Scrubcast.

Millenium Condor. (French)

South Wookiees Squadron Podcast. (Portuguese)

These next two actually cater specifically to a more casual set of players.

**** of a Pilot.

Shuttle Tydirium.

YouTube and Twitch Streams:

Gold Squadron: YouTube. Twitch.

First Earth: YouTube. Twitch.

Back to Dials: YouTube. Twitch.

Birmingham Barons: YouTube. Twitch.

VTTV: YouTube. Twitch.

Sith Takers: YouTube. Twitch

**Echo Base X-Wing: **YouTube. Twitch.

X-Wing Selbsthilegruppe : Twitch. YouTube.

Firestorm Squadron: YouTube.

Weekend Warlords: YouTube. Twitch.

Game Chief: YouTube.

Fly Casual X-Wing: YouTube.

Purrfect-Blinky: YouTube **. **Twitch.

312 Squadron: YouTube **. **Twitch.

**Arch Alliance: **YouTube. Twitch.

X-Wing Battle Report Archive.

Non-stream Video Content:

Hairy Nick.



Such an X-Wing Hipster.

Eruletho, Tales of the Silver Ace.

Deathrain's Blog.

Starfighter Mafia.

Blair Bunke's Blog.

Zombie Squadron.

Nathan's X-Wing Blog.

Friday Night X-Wing.

What the Actual Zuck?

D20 Radio.

Back to Dials.

Tantum Imperium.

Ramblings of a Wargamer.

Fishy Wargaming.

Space Owls.

X-Wing Tavern Wars.

Bloglette Generator.

Joust Me .

Stay on the Leader.

X-Wing Analytica.


Confessions of a Midwest Scrub.

The following blogs have released Second Edition content, but it's been a while. (Note this article was released March 2019).

It's Getting Hoth in Here. Nothing since December 2018.

Taking the Sith. Nothing since December 2018.

X-Wing Puzzle Club. Nothing since December 2018.

Yes, More X-Wing. Nothing since early January 2019.

Squad Building Apps and Websites:

Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0.

Launch Bay Next.

X-Wing 2nd Ed. Squad Designer.


FFG's Official Squad Builder.

Quick Build Squad Builder. For all your Quick Build needs.

Tournament Organization:

Tabletop T.O.

Best Coast Pairings.

Cryodex .



Vassal. Gold Squadron has a tutorial video on how to download it here .

Fly Casual.


X-Wing A.I.

Rules Reference:

Rules Documents and Tournament Regulations. At the bottom of the page under the Support heading, click the appropriate tab for either Rules or Tournament Regulations.

FAQ . On FFG's forums, under "X-Wing Rules Questions" you'll find this forum thread with their official rulings.

Community Rules Committee. This is a group of judges and other community members that have come together to get answers to questions that FFG hasn't yet taken the time to answer. Their document can be found here, and you can submit questions here.


List Fortress . An online repository of Second Edition tournament results. Everything from eight person kit tournaments to System Opens with hundreds of participants. It shows the format, the number of people, what lists they were flying, and the number of wins and MOV (Margin of Victory). All data is voluntarily submitted, so there may be some holes in the information depending on how in depth the submission was.

Pink Brain Matter. This is a recently released site that analyzes data from List Fortress. It can tell you the percentage of Rebel lists in major tournaments since the recent points change, and the percentage of those lists that took certain pilots, etc.

Probability Calculator. This will allow you to enter in a ton of variables for numerous different attacks to see expected damage under various circumstances. For those of us who are math impaired, it's a vital tool.

Infinite Arenas. This awesome site has a number of tools available, including an unofficial rules reference, a card browser, and printable maneuver reference cards for most Second Edition ships, among other things.

X-Wing Mapper. This fantastic tool will show you all the available final positions of any ship in any faction. Toggle variations for Afterburners, Advanced Sensors, Supernatural Reflexes, or any other possibilities, choose your maneuver and see all the different places your ship could end up.

We Tabletop . A searchable event locator.

X-Wing Second Edition Wiki.

Metawing. An analysis tool to quickly find out what has had success and what hasn't.

X-Wing Card Creator.

2.0 Buying Guide.

Highground: An X-Wing score keeping app. Android download. IOS download.

How to get into X-Wing. A beginner's guide to getting into the game.

X-Wing Battlereport. A searchable database of X-Wing related videos.

For a short review of most of the above links, check out: Before Setting Dials: A Guide to Community Resources.


Yeah, this really helped me to even understand what different editions and factions were and how that's all supposed to work.


Keine Ahnung, ob das in die community hier passt, sonst gerne löschen...

Ich hab einfach mal die VW Finanzen angeschaut... 23 war ein Rekordjahr, sowohl was Umsatz (>322 milliarden Euro) als auch was Gewinn (>16 milliarden Euro) angeht. Überhaupt gab es in den letzten 10 Jahren nur ein Jahr in dem der Konzern Verluste gemacht hat - '15, als über 16 milliarden Euro für den Dieselskandal zurückgestellt wurden. Zahlen hier:

Kann mir mal einer erklären als ob ich 5 wäre, wo gerade diese Lesart herkommt, dass der Konzern den Bach runter geht und dringend Werke schließen und Löhne kürzen muss?


Title pretty much says it.

I regularly draw stuff on a computer and always had convertible laptops, first to take notes and later to be able to draw stuff. I started with a Lifebook T3010, went on to get a Thinkpad X60 tablet, later an X220t. When I needed to replace that, I got a Dell XPS which I hated with a passion due to its lousy digitiser, which was an AES pen instead of the tech they used in previous generations. Out of my frustration, I got a wacom cintiq tablet display, which is, however, clumsy and over the years the connector (which really isn't made to be used in non-office environments) started acting out, so I started to look for a convertible again. However, I'm having a hard time finding EMR convertibles. Does anyone have a good recommendation for a convertible with decent Linux support that has a built-in EMR panel? I'm already thinking about getting an older Thinkpad X2x0t off of ebay, but it's hard to find a good deal on one it seems...

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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