If I made this a PyPi package, would I be able to create a config file to read from it/have it read from a default config file and set that as the user config file?
Updated the post to include more info, but it is a CLI app which helps simplify yt-dlp commands. It doesn't mess with any system files.
It creates a venv in the script directory and installs the dependencies that way.
Voyager because it looks and feels like Apollo for Reddit (RIP BTW)
Like others have said, one option is to have a chat with her.
Another option could be coming up with a percentage that fits your 30% increase in earnings:
Assuming you start with a 50/50 split, we can add a 30% increase to your share:
0.5 * (1 + 0.3) = 0.65
This 30% increase leads to a 65/35 ratio, where you would be paying 65%, and she 35%.
Let us know if that fixes the issue. I'm having the same problem on my end.
Does the Updater in the settings app update the boot.img or just the LOS install?
So what does it do?
NyarchLinux has Material UWU.. Maybe it shouldn't come to Linux /j
You guys get more than 1MB/s?
Hack nerd font is my go to for terminal use.
Scott the Woz, a Youtuber who does skits.