Regarding the message in the title, much like the Reddit downvote mob, after a while, the ones here on the federated platforms seem to get tired of downvoting people that don't subside to their pressure. And tying back to the tip, while I struggle to think of a specific use case for that, I've seen other highly specific ideas before that, for their use cases, were quite good, so I imagine yours can be useful too, specially with the text body's tone, and thus I don't think it's worth stressing over people trying to cause a silence spiral on yet another social media.
The post title was a pun with the mod's original name, "T-Edition", and me insisting on playing the Japanese version despite still having difficulties with the language. But besides apparently increasing the main game's difficulty, the mod adds a ton of optional challenges, including one that, iirc, acts like FFV's mini dragon.
The more concerning part is the bootloader that keeps being made more and more cumbersome to unlock. Not as easy to install one's system of choice when you need to beg the device maker to allow access to the part of the system required for that. =/
I mean, slap a proper desktop system and plug some bluetooth devices like a controller or a keyboard and mouse, and you got a makeshift laptop / notebook / whatever-the-current-name-is.
Finesse doesn't mean bowing down to everyone. And indeed, expecting people to put their egos aside, at least quickly, is unrealistic, and even if the person takes in the points later on, chances of admitting are also low. But for example, if the person is clearly aggressive by his/her discourse, specially when including swear words, people tend to close down to whatever the first person is trying to say, or even respond proportionally aggressively.
There's a saying in my mother tongue that goes like "say what you want, hear what you don't". Even in situations where you need to have a more coarse tone, having some level of finesse to the words sent would help not just in not getting sanctioned, but also on getting past people's defenses more easily.
Doesn't help the wheel doesn't seem to take inputs until the player first jumps on it to get it moving. "<.<
Also, I didn't get to test it, but with how much the player can actually move the wheel, I wouldn't find far fetched to think the player can get crushed by the ceiling too.
Glad to be able to help!
Maybe this?
Internet Archive's earliest back up is from 2002:
Dunno if it changed anything, but I did a reverse search using Google Images too, but through the option "All Search Engines" with the default ones selected in the plugin Search by Image.
Some other engines from the default selection also found the site through the plugin above.
For finding content creators on alternative services, maybe use Grayjay for Android? It aggregates multiple services into a single, mostly concise UI, and when you do a search, Grayjay can search all services at once. Also recently it added a recommended tab, which should help finding new channels on the go.
"Auster is the king of Mars!"
Source: myself
I can conjecture some things, though I can't be 100% sure on either:
First, maybe it's fanatics/fanboys that don't like competition making their platform less relevant. Second, it's paid actors complaining. Third, it's robot accounts making posts. Fourth, as proposed in the OP, people are getting the wrong impression due to noisy and problematic bubbles. Fifth, people being scared of leaving their comfort zone. Sixth, a mix of either some or all the previous possibilities.