:) protesting is good. Have a nice weekend.
I never tried for YouTube. I mainly use for technical info, in which it gets me to the results. Google has an advantage for YouTube search since they own both platforma and share meta data. Stract is probably oldschool webcrawling. I did read somewhere that it takes time for it to build up its hit results. Did you try the content filters?
Not really, I never brought up Quebec , you did. If you do some research and history checking you will see the French beheaded their monarchs, and throughout modern history have risen up to combat their governments over reach (and that does not mean violently) in small and large matters. The French have a culture of standing up for themselves, and as Canadians we have not, we have let the government do things and we just say meh oh well. There is no bigotry here, it is historic fact.
If you were to reread from the beginning I was giving French citizens kudos for standing up for what is right. Canada needs more of that. How this turned to bigotry is some odd projection from you only, everyone else understood the context.
How is any of this bigotry? I think you are confused, and the downvotes support my conclusion. The French in France are known to rebel, there is a history. Canadian French might be passionate but they are still passive apathetic Canadians like the rest of us in Canada as a whole. Can not see how you find bigotry here. Absolutely ridiculous conclusion.
Have you seen people from Quebec storming the Parliament? Have you watched France's protests. Big difference between cultures even though they are a lineage. Genetics is not the only thing that defines a people, adopted culture is.
I mean France French, not Canadians. Canadians are docile compared to Europeans
There has been worse events and the RCMP never face consequences. We need more French blood, where people take to the streets until change happens
Stract.com free and no ads. Some guy built it in his basement. He suggests it may need paid tier or ads in future to support it. It gives results like google did in 2010 era before all the ad nonsense
There is RedHat and SUSE. Which are also the only two certified distros for running corporate/enterprise CAD/CAM/FEA and PLM software. They both provide rock solid stability.
Job well done
For example my child taught at a school that had a class of "trouble" kids. One was facing manslaughter charges, another assaulted a teacher and put them on injury leave. For those school areas you absolutely need a police liason officer on staff.
I can't answer the main question, but anecdotally I find different distros work differently on different hardware. Like one laptop I have will not install, or if it does install it won't boot, any Debian based distro, but RPM based is fine. There is some bios bug or quirk that fails with deb, but rpm distros acknowledge and move on. So sometimes distro hopping can help.