Or the person who gifted this to OP after eating the bunny
Resolved an issue with the missions "Sphere of Influence" and "Dust to Dust" that caused some FX to never become visible making some of the puzzles impossible for captains.
It's about damn time!
Now can they fix the problem where you queue for a random Normal TFO and end up in an Advanced TFO?
Yeah i know about not having a time limit on the Recruits, I was just hoping I'd at least finish the claims on it before the new Recruit started. Maybe I can sprint the last of the tasks. I'm not a fan of that character anyway,
Ugh, and I still haven't gone 100% on my Klingon Recruit.
Do Delta's also get a special ship early on or was that just KDF?
and likened the tone to the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.
Oh good, a light-hearted romp where half the characters act like idiots, that's exactly what a Star Trek movie about a clandestine blackops organization should be like
Where are all the "build a wall" and "they take our jobs" screamers now?
The black dude doesn't die first, the women aren't damsels in distress and actually survive and, turns out one of the women is actually trans.
$urely there mu$t be $ome $ensible rea$on mr. $andler would con$ider $cribing a $equel to one of hi$ earlier movie$
BH I wouldn’t really trust Trump ~~with a gun.~~
I'm curious to see the voting trends of the parents...
Yes, but the form is just as convoluted and equally a waste of time
Oh good, because if there's one thing Star Trek needs it's another origin story /s