Fair point.
Agreed. My many American friends and work colleagues are not meant to be represented by this eagle.
The mean spirit of the president and his cabinet would be a better representation.
But also... This is a shitpost.
Yes, I too am shocked by how easy it is for the state media and upper echelons of a long-standing democracy to start calling the leaders of other countries governors of their states and threatening annexation.
This however, was just a funny little shit post...
That might have to do with your batshit Insanity. Just saying.
Yup it certainly is. It was removed to prevent water buildup on the roof that would cause leaks.
In the spring I'll address the root cause.
None of those albums would show up on my list of best albums.
They would all show up near the top of the list of shittiest albums though.
All I'm trying to say here is you can't say any album is objectively good or bad because music taste is subjective.
Everything is always beyond repair to this fuckstick. I think he may just be horrible at everything.
almost all voters are fucking morons.
More accurate.
Aging myself here - But we used to sing the anthem every morning at school. And when I was in catholic school (montreal in the 80s only had catholic or protestant schools, no secular board existed in public schooling) that was followed by the lord's prayer.
I hate both now.
It probably already is. I recall reading somewhere that cops don't even show up on the top 10 most dangerous jobs.
Step into my parlour, said the spider to the fly.
You don't believe this shit. Cut it out.