I'm more embarrassed for the teachers who seem to have failed them.
2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1
Why even type this out?
Do you just like arguing stupid points for fun even when you know yourself that you are wrong?
Have you never seen an automotive touchscreen before?
Even within one model/brand there are a ton of panes, and layouts. And even when you choose one layout, which apps are open changes the location and size of the buttons. Now add into that multiple brands, models, layout, and years... And your comment gets more worthless at every step.
Beyond that. The screen doesn't use haptic feedback to tell you where your fingers are so that the parts of your brain that evolved to handle that kind of context can use it without your fucking eyes. 'Oh I touched the round thing, I know there are 4 rectangles next to this' is a built-in feedback loop that a touchscreen does not provide at this time.
Do you have problems with object permanence in everyday life? or just in your car?
Fuck this rotten grifter and all of her enablers.
Just playing on the idea that once you start up a new factorio map the days and weeks blend together and time passes without you noticing. Or at least for me :)
Thankfully they are alive and doing quite well in our little forest home in Quebec, Canada. Of all the places I used to see them as a kid almost none are still vibrant and busy, but our little corner of forest here has a good population. For now...
Two days? Impossible. I installed space age within moments of it being available and that was only like two hours ago. Right? right?
On the plus side. Automated red and green science!
Your lack of knowledge of the world does not indicate the existence of a god. Cut it out.
God isn't real. This is verbal masturbation.
Fair point.