Yeah cause they have complete control over the IP now and can milk it for every drop. 🐄👨🌾🪣🪣🪣
Christianity is a cult and a scam.
Sometimes even good people fall for it. The good ones have enough reason to be loud and shut the bad ones up. But that not going to happen. It’s a toxic support system that they can’t go against or be kicked out.
Christianity needs to disbanded just like every cult denying reality and hurting others.
Did nobody finish the RE4 remake? RE5 has literally been set up as the next remake.
Windows can go eat shit
No franchise is ever finished.
Soon just the reanimated dead will be on the big screen, powered by Ai and human apathy.
Why pay actors when dead ones don’t need to be paid at all! 🤑
Mel is dead! All you get is wank that is pretending to be Mel.
Appreciate and cherish the performances he gave while alive, instead of dressing up a dumb bot in Mel’s skin.
It’s not human and it’s not a Mel Blanc performance!
Fuck that! Do the work and design fake companies and products. Thats half the fun walking around a store in any video game. Seeing the funny names and references they come up with.
I don’t want to see fucking ads for anything that’s a real product being pushed in my face in ANY MANNER in video games!
Fucking garbage!! At least give us a kill switch ya hacks!
Stop 👏 making 👏 fan 👏 projects 👏
These companies don’t give a shit about you or what you are a fan of. They want profits and are the only ones allowed to milk their franchises.
Oh look, another show they won’t finish.
Apple goose stepping away