It can, and it’s quite good! But I mean something more like a self hostable archive.
Good point! I’ve edited my original post to clarify my intention behind bringing up the Patreon.
Overall, the main point I’m trying to make is that the man has a history of chronic project hopping and being hostile to other people who want to contribute to his projects. The goal was not to say that he should be able to fund his entire project via Patreon, but rather that I don’t know he’s the best person to spearhead three fedi platforms at once.
I personally would love to see a fediverse alternative to something like StumbleUpon, which I always found to be quite unique in the realm of social media.
I also think having something like Spotify with social features powered by the fedi would be neat (I realise technically funkwhale is vaguely this, but in execution it really isn’t. It’s federation is pretty basic/not social). Thinking something where you can easily start listening parties, share music to friends to listen to, find song recommendations from friends likes, etc.
I reaaallllly would urge people not to get involved with this kickstarter. He gave similar lists of things he would do with the money he’s been receiving from his backers on his Patreon for years. He never had enough money from his patreon to do that and the claims should not have been made. (I’ve also noticed how on his posts about the kickstarter he goes out of his way to say his work is “entirely self funded”) Instead he’s been jumping from project to project and has been incredibly awful toward folks who want to help improve the stuff he’s neglected.
Take it as a red flag that he’s still the only dev actively working on three incredibly half baked fedi apps, and if you can, look through his mastodon profile to see the kinds of things he says. Check the GitHub issues for Pixelfed and how long some of the most basic ones have been sitting there for.
I genuinely do hope this kickstarter yields something the Patreon I supported does not, as I still run a Pixelfed instance and like it conceptually. But the software itself has been and only gets more broken, and given the way he has privately treated the pixelfed-glitch team all the while publicly acting like he’s been great to and is actively working with them, I really don’t think this dude is acting in especially good faith.
Edit: Took feedback from a reply and clarified the intention behind my point about his Patreon.
Sadly, neither have I- in the closed source world there’s stuff like Soundslice which is pretty good but nothing really open source