Understood, thanks you very much for helping me being able to understand better what's the underlying issues were. :)
If CPU loads are able to goes to multiple threads and is indeed the issue haven't they thought of using an auto scaling solution? Scaling as needed so costs and performance are met?
Another option would to do kinda what LunaNode offers and slap the instances onto root volumes than make it so you can spin up and down VM instances. So you only pay for the compute resources WHEN you need them.
In fact I have my backup VM there ONLY "unshelving" when I truly needs it all automatically.
That's understandable to me now, thank you very much for explaining all of this to me so I am able to becomes aware and able to understand everything now. :)
Your really funny LOL! :)
I am sorry but I am lost on what you means. I gotten a $30 5.25" Dual Hot Swappable 2.5" bays which each of the drives connected through the SATA interface (you plug the respected SATA cables in each bays' end and the drives connections are literally "clicks into place").
So I thought if the drives are on standby "hence I assume are therefore not spinning up/down" then I thought it safe to pulls them out. Since I thought they would not be doing anything if they are simply on standby.
Interesting so that could be ran after the failing device been removed? Additionally interesting cause I always yanked the drives out when Linux Mint says they are put on standby (sleeping). Or I do that manually then I would pull them out.
I can't find anything that says LVM Mirroring (RAID1) will do this as automatically or whatever.
Logically I would take out the drive on the way out, redo the LVM on the new disk and then add it to the VG. BUT I am not quite sure if I am missing some steps to avoid "a bricked array".
But that is WHY they are filtering VPNs to be honest. Because as I been saying it just not worth it to keep VPN users online when the BULK of the spammers are using the same.
Even when you go out and buy something you probably gonna be asked to turn off your VPN or your order won't be processed/requires additional steps. I know majority of hosting providers do at least.
Precisely I don't think (as of now anyways) there a mean to "filters" VPN users effectively or otherwise general spam and such than to "cut the entire line off".
Take the Wasp and Hornet spray that we had to apply on our porch. It is depressing that a bee had to die? Absolutely but we had to spray or else we would be "spammed" by wasps and hornets that could damage our rental.
Sometimes you have to take the "nuclear option" until more targeted solutions can be developed.
You still need to considers the costs of accepting said users though, even if you don't likes it being done in such manners.
Just think of anti-fraud measures which denying VPNs are apart of. If you are a small firm and you need to protect your business aren't you inclined to do the same exact measures and tell your FraudLabsPro to ignore/caution against VPN orders?
I disagrees with that, "throttling" postings is dumb. Just moderate your communities more closely if you don't likes' the contents.