They put it on me. That was all it took i guess. Maybe it was just that i don't like the stuff. It was like a jar of snot that smelled. Still gives me the ick. I'm 41.
Chapstick, hand lotion, balms anything but Vaseline.
Teal. The color name you are looking for is: teal.
A 45 is a big gun. Even if it fits your hand you'll be less accurate with it without practice. It's got a big kick back. I'd recommend a nine and go to the range. For that matter, even a 22 for practice. It's important to practice and rounds get expensive the bigger they are. Find a holster you like too. Don't just put it in your pants. I would also think about hiw you plan on securing it when you're not home. A safe or trigger lock.
Skiing in the snow... ouch.
Assistant to vice president Trump.
My grandparents ruined Vaseline for me. I will gladly carry multiple things to never use that stuff again.
I bring my headlamp with me almost everywhere. It's crazy how often you need a flashlight at the most random times, and the best flashlight is one you don't need to hold.
Whats the joke?
Pretty sure the word "it" is referring to the order.
I'm not entirely certain, but depending on which Mennonite community they belong to, they might believe that reaching their desired afterlife requires faithful adherence to their religious practices and commitments.