Maybe even FOSS wrappers for the big services. Such as
joined 2 years ago
With your idea, does the service (eg yt music, Spotify) have to specifically support the API?
That's why I use both, interchangeably! Worst of both worlds!
that looks super cozy though (until you have insects, spiders and bugs in there with you)
That's so oddly specific but I love it
Das impliziert, dass der Zähler zwischendurch auf "1" stand
Denk ich mir jedes Mal bei diesem Lied. Endlich mal Gleichgesinnte!
average american bread moment
(I, an European would like to say that this is objectively wrong)
I do too. Unfortunately, I know as much as you guys do on where he went. :(
Laser showers sound like the coolest fucking thing ever
Hell yeah! I love seeing Mixxx getting new features.