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[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 14 points 2 years ago (1 children)

And after that he goes directly into a tedious story that does more to make me dislike him than actually build up the point he's trying to make. I agree with the basic premise of the article, but the endless passive aggressive anecdotes really don't help.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 9 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Hah, are we the same person? My family was poor too. I'm a bit younger (born 2000) but I grew up using a VCR, and my first console was a GBA where I played a lot of SNES ports. The internet has existed my entire life, but I still remember before smartphones were a thing. It's a really weird place to be socially. I don't connect with Gen Z culture in almost any way, but I'm also distinctly not a millennial.

Interestingly my older sister (1998) who has zero interest in anything tech is actually pretty tech savvy for how little she cares about it. I think she crossed that threshold of learning how to learn, where even when she comes across something she doesn't understand she knows how to approach the problem.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 3 points 2 years ago

Oh you're right, no wonder this looked kinda weird but kinda normal.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 20 points 2 years ago (4 children)

ngl I actually really like that. the start button popping out over the taskbar is a nice touch. what's the setup?

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 1 points 2 years ago

That sounds like an amazing experience haha. I have some fond memories like that with these games too.

I think in my case, the narrative isn't the main thing I enjoy about metroidvanias - rewarding exploration is what I really love. Though I didn't play a true metroidvania until I was into my teens, some of my favorite games before that were exploration-focused platformers and (simple) RPGs.

I probably would have been frustrated and given up with my favorite metroidvanias if I had played any too young, but 8-12ish would have hit that nostalgia + enjoyment sweet spot. But hey, even without any early nostalgia I can still love them :)

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 1 points 2 years ago

That's awesome! I've only ever heard of Crystalis in the context of games that flew under the radar, I don't think many people can say they actually owned it. Too bad the GBC port isn't great.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I'm typing this on my Xiaomi Mi9T which also has a popup camera. This phone is on its last legs, I'm not looking forward to having to get a new one with a typical selfie camera. A popup camera just makes so much more sense.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 5 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Ooh, great question! Super Metroid is one for me too. I love metroidvanias now, and really enjoyed the nonlinear / exploration elements of Super Mario World, but I didn't play a proper metroidvania until my teens. I think I'd take CV:SotN over Super Metroid, but I bet I'd have been more than happy with either.

I wish I grew up with some OG gameboy RPGs. Final Fantasy Legend, Dragon Warrior Monsters, Crystalis. They were just a bit too far before my time for me to get much exposure when I would have liked them best, so I don't have any real nostalgia, but in revisiting old games I've always been drawn to those.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 4 points 2 years ago

Yeah! Here's what I'm using right now:

I've made a couple out of real wood, but I usually just use these semi-disposable bamboo ones which are really quick to make. When it starts getting gnarly I just make a new one.

The smoke is smooth and cool, and I like not having to deal with water or an ashtray.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I use a pipe thing I make. It has a long stem like a churchwarden pipe, plus a chamber beneath the bowl that catches ashes and embers. Works well, I have yet to find something I like better.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 2 points 2 years ago

I timed my DSi; it varies a lot by game but the largest I tried (Pokemon Black 2) loaded in around 25 seconds on the first run, then loads in under 10 seconds on subsequent runs.

I recently started messing with my DSi again after a few years away from it, and you're definitely not alone in being confused by it all - I really have no idea what exactly I did to it. To refresh everything I ended up just wiping the SD card, then putting Twilightmenu on it. I can still boot into unlaunch so I must have modified the firmware / internal storage before, but I don't know if hiyaCFW is something that lives on there on the SD card.

Speaking of which, that's the same setup as my SD card, which is a 32gb Transcend. I can't seem to find my SD card reader to double check but I'm pretty sure of using 32k cluster size.

Might be worth mentioning, I have another DSi with a wildly different system boot time for no apparent reason. I set it up the exact same, but it takes 15+ seconds to boot vs the <5 of my main DSi, even when I swap SD cards. The only difference between them is that the one that takes a long time to boot is Japanese. Games take about the same time to boot so it doesn't seem directly related to your issue but who knows.

[–] Flicsmo@rammy.site 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

The first time booting a rom takes a while, but after that it's only a few seconds for me. Maybe something to do with SD card formatting/specs?

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