Here here for Bill
You were there when I called it 5 months ago iirc. When we both went double negative for "the trolley problem"
Psst most pups are furs.
If you're not aware of the reference, the famous book burnings during the rise of the Nazi party, were them burning the books from the Berlin sexual institution....
The book burning has begun
With all love and respect I work in IT you don't need to preach to the choir.
Wouldn't that technically be hardware?
die Lügenpresse muss verschwinden
It's hilarious you think they will be replacing them
I love how you idiots don't even understand that the authority to libertarianism spectrum is the up down Axis and economic structure defines the left right axis.
Technically speaking, isn't he not a powder ganger anymore though? Iirc didn't his group break off from the rest at the prison?