The lil bastards yearn for the mines
So this is an additional option for them, not a replacement.
Regarding the anxiety comment...yikes. suggesting someone suffering from anxiety views others as peasants not worth their time is certainly an interesting take.
I didn't say "everything", I said "most"...don't misquote me. There's no edit on that comment so don't act like I said something I didn't.
The ideal personal shopping vehicle
And if Costco has them at all, having multiple of them is moving the goalposts.
And ya know what really matters? Costco maintains their dei stance and pays a more fair wage.
So don't defend a shit company with gotchas
Also consider those with disabilities or anxiety
You can buy most of the things from target, from Costco
That's not true, there are instances they are completely out nearly completely detached from the main cluster
I have usb c cables in daily rotation for years. Usba for a decade or more, I think they're structural parts of the house now
Thanks for clarifying the mis quote. I appreciate it.