I have a kid. She turns 18 in September. I thought it was funny.
I also still make jokes about my mom, and she is now sitting on top of a shelf at Dad's house as of a few months ago.
I have a kid. She turns 18 in September. I thought it was funny.
I also still make jokes about my mom, and she is now sitting on top of a shelf at Dad's house as of a few months ago.
Equality does not truly exist until everyone is equally armed. Money can only be synonymous with power, as long as the people allow it to be.
When two groups of people are more or less equally armed, neither has the advantage over the other.
What many people fail to realize is that while armaments have changed over thousands of years, as long as there appears to be a balance of power, peace happens.
But once one group or another no longer perceives "the other" as being equal in power to them war is inevitable.
That, in a nutshell, is what is happening today in the USA.
When one group of people has weapons, and the other doesn't, it won't be long before the first group decides the 2nd group looks like easy pickings.
Difference is the school isn't going to confiscate my kid's watch (yet)
I've been rockin my HL3170CDW for many years now. I have absolutely no issues with this printer, and I'll buy nothing else.
This existed briefly, but was quickly removed because big box retailers complained that people were looking at the real stats instead of big numbers in their ads.
If I'm in the bedroom, I may want my ceiling lights on if someone is in there if it's dark outside, but if my wife and I are in bed, then only turn on the baseboard lights, at 1% brightness when someone is still in bed. Presence sensors aren't that fine grained, and I certainly don't want to wake up my wife when this old fart gets up to go pee again. She's grumpy when awakened. 🤣
Banning something is not the market regulating itself. That's outside forces regulating the market...
Yes please. Can't be much worse than what we have now.
I'm predicting they build it in just 2 or 3 cities, then quit.
Pontiac was a part of GM, who standardized most parts across all their brands decades ago.
There's no parent company for Tesla.
I am tired of US citizens misunderstanding the entire point of the 1st amendment.
It has absolutely nothing to do with private companies. You can just not use their services. It has to do with the us and state governments not being able to jail you for talking trash about them.
Keep in mind that, at the time, the monarchy of England was known for jailing people who talked badly about them.
This was to prevent that. It wasn't to make sure Bobby could tell Janie she was a cunt, and her not be able to slap him.