FreeCAD is a start, but nowhere as good as AutoCAD, unfortunately. I haven't tried GIMP's v3.0 version yet, but 2.x is terrible to use. Depending on what you need to do, Krita would be a better alternative.
Spond is The Free Sports Team Management App Chosen by 1000's of Teams Worldwide!
Social media? Sports management is social media????
Henry, son of Henry and grandson of Symeon, first appears in 1225.[2] He too was rich and owned multiple properties in the city.[1]
He sold an island to the King
So, 80 pounds back then was probably pocket change for Henry, son of Henry, grandson of Symeon, ex-owner of an island
Itaú, largest private bank in Brazil. Thanks to a 1995 law, all earnings from stock shares' dividends are tax exempt. They're always lobbying and pushing forward legislation to make the rich richer, to the point that they managed to found, together with other bankers, a political party, Novo, who fiercely defend libertarian economic values and sidestep individual liberties.
Second would be Microsoft. They took over the computer world in the 90s and didn't pay for their crimes. All they did was try and pretend nothing bad happened and that they totally wouldn't ever do anything similar again, pinkie promise. Nevermind the office2007 standard never fully working on alternative software, nevermind microsoft teams, pay no mind to them buying out github, nevermind their shit being inside pretty much every government around the world. They hold absurd amounts of power.
Third place goes to all non state owned petrol companies. Thank you for your continuous funding of bogus research against scientific climate facts and, more importantly, in funding assholes the world over to ensure climate change and global warming go full throttle. Fuck you with a hot exhaust pipe.
- presses tab to add space between words
- changes field
Rich and gay, docking a huge cock on an even bigger cock's balls
Mostly history documentaries below:
- Fall of Civilization (takes forever to upload stuff, but it's always superb quality)
- Kings and Generals (wars, historic battles and the context surrounding them)
- Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages (several videos show the very likely migrations of different peoples in ancient times)
- Ancient Americas (north, central and south americas)
- Real Time History (most videos are ~27 minutes, but the Franco Prussian war is a whopping 6 hours and worth it)
They roasted it because they know better than to do it raw
Hon hon hon fellow baguette connoisseurs!
Ah, DSL internet. Giving infinite porn to kids since 2000 and the wider masses since ~2005.