I could go for a quesadilla right now
So, if Thomas Crooks had actually hit the target, he wouldn't have violated any law. Gotcha
I thought dick measuring contests in legal courts was the go-to "I have so much money and I don't know how to spend it!" of big companies
I always wondered why english uses i.e. or e.g., I never actually looked into the actual abbreviated words. In portuguese, it's always "for example" or "ex:"
Naturally Hung Stud
I bought Herdeiros do Khan, Brazil Imperial, Azul Summer Pavillion (mini) and Anachrony, the latter is the one I'm still waiting to arrive and is likely the one I'll take the longest to understand the rules :)
Xenon are an advanced robotic faction in the X universe, so Xenon for space travel checks out
Did a quick search, that game is available to pretty much every platform. PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii, WiiU, NDS, 360. The buy 2 get 1 free makes more sense now
You can only escape this room once these four, 70+ old people understand how to play Super Bomberman 2 on the SNES
Never understood the whole conspiracy angle on the pyramids.
Racism. Every stupid conspiracy involving ancient civilizations is always rooted in some sort of racism. "Egyptians aren't white, so they clearly couldn't have done something so big by themselves!!!" - "The Mayan nobility is depicted as having weird shaped heads, thus it was aliens that taught them how to make those great pyramids!"
Some boardgames I've bought arrived, only one still in transit. I've read and understood the rules of 2, I'm ready to put them in action.
Now, the hard part: getting people to play with.
cis men, from the looks of it