
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

cis men, from the looks of it

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I could go for a quesadilla right now

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

So, if Thomas Crooks had actually hit the target, he wouldn't have violated any law. Gotcha

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I thought dick measuring contests in legal courts was the go-to "I have so much money and I don't know how to spend it!" of big companies

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I always wondered why english uses i.e. or e.g., I never actually looked into the actual abbreviated words. In portuguese, it's always "for example" or "ex:"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Naturally Hung Stud

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I bought Herdeiros do Khan, Brazil Imperial, Azul Summer Pavillion (mini) and Anachrony, the latter is the one I'm still waiting to arrive and is likely the one I'll take the longest to understand the rules :)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Xenon are an advanced robotic faction in the X universe, so Xenon for space travel checks out

[–] [email protected] 42 points 1 week ago

Did a quick search, that game is available to pretty much every platform. PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii, WiiU, NDS, 360. The buy 2 get 1 free makes more sense now

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

You can only escape this room once these four, 70+ old people understand how to play Super Bomberman 2 on the SNES

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Never understood the whole conspiracy angle on the pyramids.

Racism. Every stupid conspiracy involving ancient civilizations is always rooted in some sort of racism. "Egyptians aren't white, so they clearly couldn't have done something so big by themselves!!!" - "The Mayan nobility is depicted as having weird shaped heads, thus it was aliens that taught them how to make those great pyramids!"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Some boardgames I've bought arrived, only one still in transit. I've read and understood the rules of 2, I'm ready to put them in action.

Now, the hard part: getting people to play with.


Been thinking a bit about this, popular music (the ones that hit top 100 charts or whatever) never has lyrics that point out real problems or point to culprits and how they're fucking our shit, which is very easy to find in punk rock and some variations, as well as rap.

Of course, part of the problem are the record labels themselves, which often hold artists "hostage" in order to profit off them. Bigger ones will obviously prefer to avoid having such lyrics become popular.

Still, there seems to be absolute zero songs in certain genres that even come within 10 meters of talking/singing/teaching/bringing awareness about situations that affect a LOT of listeners, even from far away, and would be extremely helpful in spreading some knowledge.

Granted, doing so is easier said than done, a catchy tune that calls out big oil's many attempts to burn the world, or big pharma's frequent price gouging, aren't things "any idiot" can come up with. But that nobody outside "angry" genres seems to be doing it is what saddens me.


What are some alternatives to browsing instagram "outside" of the proper app?

I put nitter.net and invidious as examples, as they allow you to browse Twitter and Youtube "outside" the official site/app and without being tracked. Instagram hates me trying to look at anything from the computer.


Earlier this year, the US Food and Drug Administration gave Neuralink, which Musk cofounded in 2016, approval to launch human trials of its device that Musk has described as a "Fitbit in your skull." The FDA had previously rejected Neuralink's bid for human testing in March over safety concerns, Reuters reported, including that the wires connected to the brain chip could move within a subject's head or that the chip could overheat.


Assume mainstream adoption as used by around 7% of all github projects

Personally, I'd like to see Nim get that growth.


My game has options for player customization, it's a number of .png files that are not loaded with the game startup, save for the default ones. Instead, if the player clicks a button, it will load the next file for that part (like, say, hair-2.png)

This works fine on the editor, but I've just tested an exported version and it doesn't work there, completely failing to find any files within the .pck. If I move the executable back to the project's folder, it works as expected.

Trying to figure out the why, I've also exported via Export ZIP/PCK, and found out it doesn't actually export any of the .png files, it only exports the .import files. The actual images are stored in the .godot/imported folder, each with a long, random(?) string attached to their name: hair-1.png becomes hair-1.png-t3g9r2he7783y9hut.tcex

I haven't figured out a way to export the .png files as is, so what are my options here? Besides coupling all of the parts in a single image and separating it by frames of animation, which will require both code and art rework

Tested on both Godot 4.1.1 and 4.1.2-RC1


I know they allow scam adverts because it's easy money, but why aren't they held responsible for facilitating obvious scams? You open Edge, there's 3 "Earn money quick" adverts. On Instagram, every 5 ads, one is a scam.


I know that plastics (polyurethane, polystyrene, polyethylene, etc) are very different from one another.

What I've been thinking about is, would it be possible to make some sort of powder with a mix of all these plastics, that could then be mixed with a binding agent to make bricks, plates and other, well, plastic things?

For anyone wondering "why", this is a recycling idea, one that, if simply mixing in some binding agent (glue) works, or some glue + another plentiful material (dirt? sand?), wouldn't need heat to give reuse to the plastics, thus eliminating a possible source of toxic fumes and allowing PVC to be thrown into the mix.

I know it is possible to do something like this with heat. You need to heat the mixture, usually to ~300º C, so once the molten plastic cools, most everything is stuck together. Such examples are plentiful around the internet. That's why I wanna know if there's a way to do it without using heat


After seeing this other post here and lot of talk about it, I thought it'd be a good idea to make a list of free or FOSS engines for people that were considering using Unity but probably won't anymore, or that want to ditch it ASAP.

Feel free to add your own suggestions in this thread!


  • Godot - Probably the "biggest around", offers programming in both GDScript (very similar to Python) and C# with their Mono executable. Also has bindings for other languages thanks to their GDExtension API, such as Rust, Go and Nim. Has lots of material for learning and a community over programming.dev
  • Solarus - FOSS, for making SNES/GBA Zelda-like games (top down action rpgs). Programming done with Lua
  • GDevelop - FOSS, Similar to Construct2/3, focuses on visual scripting to define the workings of your game.
  • OHRRPGCE OHR - Putting this one here because I'm simply too amused to leave it out. Could work as an alternative to RPG Maker, if you happen to know FreeBASIC and don't mind the really old school look of everything.
  • Stride - Probably one of the best options for high performance 3D games with C# programming. MIT license
  • Fyrox - Rust based engine. Allows both 2D and 3D development. MIT license
  • Bevy - Similar to Fyrox above, it's made with Rust and allows both 2D and 3D. MIT or Apache license

Game specific engines - These are engines made to play a specific game, but they have enough tooling to allow you to make almost any other game with them

  • OpenMW - Should probably be a good option for anyone with experience modding TES games. There is a "new game template" on their docs
  • GZDoom - It's Doom. If you really, absolutely, definitely, must have your game run EVERYWHERE, this is one of the best choices. You aren't stuck to raycast first-person shooters, either, someone made a Donkey Kong Country with Doom and there's also Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart.
  • Quake 2/3 source ports - Similar to GZDoom above, but for those that need good 3D performance. A good option is YamagiQ2
    • Pretty much any implementation or sourceport of id games fits the bill. The most recent open sourced engine of theirs was tech 4, which ran Doom 3 and Quake 4.

Frameworks - This is for the programmers.

  • LOVE2D - Lua framework for making 2D games. Can also run on Android if the person installs the LOVE2D app
  • MonoGame - Formerly XNA, it should be the go-to option for people with experience in C#. One of its most notable games is Stardew Valley
  • libGDX - For people who want to make a game running in Java. Porting it to several platforms should be easy thanks to the JVM. Two notable games are Mindustry and Unciv (Civ5 clone)

I've been looking into some tutorials, mainly this one - https://www.gotut.net/custom-key-bindings-in-godot-4/

My particular problem is that this and every other tutorial of key rebind only deals with 1 action = 1 keybind, while I want my actions to have 3 keybinds: 2 from the keyboard, 1 from a controller. Because of that, I can't simply empty the InputMap of a given action and add the newly pressed key.

After quite some time thinking and testing, I've managed to cobble together this code (based on the one from the link above) that works as I want: it removes the previous keybind and adds the new one, without messing any of the previous keys.

func _input(event):
	if !current_button:
	if event is InputEventKey and $keypress.visible:
		var action: String
		match current_button.name:
				action = "game_jump"
		#Match repeat for each button/action, also "duplicated" for each of the alternative keys/buttons, as "alt_game_jump", etc
		#The following lines happen after the match defines the action 
		rebind(event,action, current_button.text)
		current_button.text = event.as_text()
		current_button = null

## The rebind function is called by sending the event, a string of the action proper and the button's current text as the "oldkey"
## rebind(event, "game_jump", $rebind_jump.text)
## After the event call, the button's text is set like this: $rebind_jump.text = event.as_text()

func rebind(event: InputEvent, action: String, oldkey:String):
	var existing : Dictionary = {}
	var key: String
	for ia in InputMap.action_get_events(action):
		#The split(" ") below happens because physical key presses are sent as "E (Phyisical)" or "Ctrl (Physical)"
		if ia.as_text().split(" ")[0] != "Joypad":
			key = ia.as_text().split(" ")[0]
			key = ia.as_text()
		existing[key] = ia
	for acts in InputMap.get_actions():
		#Removes the key from any other events 
		InputMap.action_erase_event(acts, event)
	InputMap.action_erase_event(action, existing[oldkey])
	InputMap.action_add_event(action, event)

While it works as is for keyboard rebind, I haven't tested it with a controller, as I don't have one around to test.

But my main question is: is this "ideal"? Is there a better/easier way to do this, rebind an action substituting only one key?

EDIT: Did a few tweaks on the code. One thing that I haven't figured out yet is a way to update a key that was already bound to another button. For example: if "Ctrl" is bound to jump, and I bind it to attack, it automatically unbinds from jump. If I then try to bind anything to that specific jump button, I'll get a Invalid Index error at the InputMap.action_erase_event(action, existing[oldkey])


Since I'm currently dealing with this problem, I'm gonna leave this info here, so anyone that comes across it knows what to do to fix it. Currently working on 4.1.1, should work on 3.x too

This is a problem that happens if you rename or delete files outside the Godot editor. Godot may warn you, or it may simply keep a cached copy and keep you completely unaware of it until you export the game and try to play it. It's always a good thing to check for these once in a while.

Related questions:


  • Create a dummy file, it can be a.PNG or whatever
  • Open the problematic scenes with a text editor
  • Change the path of the offending files to the dummy. They're usually at the top of the file, loaded as [ext_resource type="Texture" uid="" path=res://graphics/missing.png" id="10_0y2mn"
  • After saving, try to load the scene again. Be sure to run the Debug console version of Godot
  • If everything went well, it should open. Delete the dummy file from within the editor.

If that doesn't work, try this instead:

  • Open the problematic scenes with a text editor
  • Remove any lines that point to the offending files.
  • Run the Godot with the debug console
  • Attempt to open the scene in the editor. If it gives an error, check the debug console, the most likely error will be something like res://scenes/problemscene.tscn:3815 - Parse Error: Can't load cached ext-resource id: 10_0y2mn
  • Back in the text editor, look for that id within the scene. It'll likely be something similar to texture = ExtResource("10_0y2mn"). Delete it
  • Repeat the last 2 steps until the errors stop.
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