Hier nennen alle den PC "Rechner". Wer sagt denn bitte "ich fahre den Computer herunter"?
You were down voted for whatever reason. These outlets are complete bullshit. You have your safeties in the electrical cabinet and then you make sure to wire your house according to certain standards. Schuko is leagues ahead of this crap. Modern Schuko sockets will only allow anything to enter, when both prongs are inserted at the same time. If you do happen to short anything, the FI switch (no idea what it's called in English) will cut the power before anything can happen.
If that's the case for everyone, I fully approve of this. People need to stop using social media.
Vor 10 Jahren ein Haus in S-H gekauft. In Angeln, 3 km bis nach Flensburg (fahre also mit dem Rad zur Arbeit, wenn ich denn mal hin möchte), an Nahwärme aus 100% regenerativer Energien angebunden, Glasfaseranschluss. Das Haus wurde 96 erbaut und hat 220m^2^ Wohnfläche und ein Dach voll mit PV. Kaufpreis war 235k€.
Man muss halt nicht in Bayern wohnen oder in unmittelbarer Nähe einer Metropole.
Don't forget strange new worlds!
In Flensburg auch, scheint wohl eine groß angelegte Aktion zu sein! Auf jeden Fall hingehen!
You dumb fucking cunt, just watch the fucking video. Ignorant piece of shit.
It runs on white power!
German Goo Girls?
No problem, there's plenty shit about Germans too! Bunch of conservative assholes that are afraid of change and are fucking weird in general. Especially the people in East Germany and Bavaria. Bunch of cunts is what they are. Except for the dozen of people that are cool of course.
Exactly. Even a game like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3 isn't worth 100$ and those are really great fucking games.
Same here.