Unix timestap or nothing.
I like them because they smell nice.
I was never exposed to porn on the internet as a child, outside of advertisements and typing website names wrong. I never looked for it either, if a child is actively seeking it out, its up to a parent to deal with it. People should stop making laws to protect bad parents.
I don't want to share an image with the n-word in it.
He has a website, and its updated pretty often. He seems like he is doing good.
They have microblogging, and some other small features.
Well, their post was about not wanting a (worse) billionaire to buy reddit, musk style.
My windows one was full of usless .exe installers.
Its good for stuff that is vague or hard to google.
This is the original, but the "my brother in christ" part was the n word.
I'm am terrible at articulating things online.