Bummer. Evgis took the money and ran like a biznich.
joined 2 years ago
Great! Now do all of the GOP congress and senate.
Was 216845. I’m old.
I for one am glad our D looks to be solid again for next year.
I’ll take ‘bridges I would never use because boom’ for $1000, Alex
Holy hell. The dumbs are gonna let CheetoPoopyPants back in aren’t they.
This is exactly what I have done since 2005 with them. Showed me years ago that 1800Flowers either was compromised or sells their email addresses.
Fairfax isn’t any better. We looked at a 1625sq ft here that sold for $800k. And it was from the 60s and old as hell.
As an X’er married to a Millennial that fights her Boomer folks, this is the way.
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I mean so are we all I think and looking at his X account he seems to have moved on. I would hope that he would have just replied here and said ‘thanks for all the fish’.
I always like ending on a positive note so I’ll say that I at least liked his vision when he was engaged. It was solid.